Searching for Top Flavor Violating Resonances

Abstract in English

We study new top flavor violating resonances that are singly produced in association with a top at the LHC. Such top flavor violating states could be responsible for the Tevatron top forward-backward asymmetry. Since top flavor violating states can directly decay to a top (or anti-top) and jet, and are produced in conjunction with another (oppositely charged) top, the direct signature of such states is a t j (or tbar j) resonance in t tbar j events. In general, these states can be very light and have O(1) couplings to the top sector so that they are copiously produced. We present a search strategy and estimate the discovery potential at the early LHC by implementing the strategy on simulated data. For example, with 1 fb^-1 at 7 TeV, we estimate that a W coupling to d_R tbar_R can be constrained at the 3 sigma level for g_R = 1 and m_W = 200 GeV, weakening to g_R = 1.75 for m_W = 600 GeV. With the search we advocate here, a bound at a similar level could be obtained for top flavor violating Zs, as well as triplet and sextet diquarks.
