Thermal emission from WASP-33b, the hottest known planet

Abstract in English

We report ground-based observations at 0.91 microns of the occultation of the hot Jupiter WASP-33b by its A5 host star. We measure the planet to be 0.109 +/- 0.030 per cent as bright as its host star at 0.91 microns. This corresponds to a brightness temperature, T_B = 3620 +200 -250 K, significantly higher than the zero-albedo equilibrium temperature for both isotropic re-radiation (2750 +/- 37 K) and uniform day-side only re-radiation (3271 +/- 44 K), but consistent with the zero-redistribution temperature (3515 +/- 47 K). This indicates that the heat redistribution from the day-side of WASP-33b to the night side is inefficient, and further suggest that there is immediate re-radiation, and therefore little or no redistribution, of heat within the day-side. We also detected the stellar pulsations of WASP-33, which we model as the sum of four sinusoids, with periods of between 42 and 77 minutes and amplitudes of 0.5 to 1.5 mmag.
