New limits on WIMP interactions from the SIMPLE dark matter search

Abstract in English

The SIMPLE project uses superheated C2ClF5 liquid detectors to search for particle dark matter candidates. We report the results of the first stage exposure (14.1 kgd) of its latest two-stage, Phase II run, with 15 superheated droplet detectors of total active mass 0.208 kg. In combination with the results of the neutron-spin sensitive XENON10 experiment, these results yield a limit of |a_p| < 0.32, |a_n| < 0.17 for M_W = 50 GeV/c2 on the model-independent, spin-dependent sector of weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP)-nucleus interactions, and together yield a 50% reduction in the previously allowed region of the phase space. The result provides a contour minimum of {sigma}_p ~ 2.8 x 10-2 pb at M_W = 45 GeV/c2, constituting the most restrictive direct detection limit to date against a spin-dependent WIMP-proton coupling. In the spin-independent sector, the result is seen to offer the prospect of contributing to the question of light mass WIMPs with an improvement in the current understanding of its nucleation efficiency.
