Spectral signatures of disk eccentricity in young binary systems: I. Circumprimary case

Abstract in English

Star formation occurs via fragmentation of molecular clouds, which means that the majority of stars born are a members of binaries. There is growing evidence that planets might form in circumprimary disks of medium-separation binaries. The tidal forces caused by the secondary generally act to distort the originally circular disk to an eccentric one. To infer the disk eccentricity from high-res NIR spectroscopy, we calculate the fundamental band emission lines of the CO molecule emerging from the atmosphere of the disk. We model circumprimary disk evolution under the gravitational perturbation of the orbiting secondary using a 2D grid-based hydrodynamical code, assuming alpha-type viscosity. The hydrodynamical results are combined with our spectral code based on the double-layer disk model to calculate the CO molecular line profiles. We find that the orbital velocity distribution of the gas parcels differs significantly from the circular Keplerian fashion, thus the line profiles are asymmetric in shape. The magnitude of asymmetry is insensitive to the binary mass ratio, the magnitude of viscosity, and the disk mass. In contrast, the disk eccentricity, thus the level of the line profile asymmetry, is influenced significantly by the binary eccentricity and the disk geometrical thickness. We demonstrate that the disk eccentricity profile in the planet-forming region can be determined by fitting the high-resolution CO line profile asymmetry using a simple 2D spectral model that accounts for the velocity distortions caused by the disk eccentricity. Thus, with our novel approach the disk eccentricity can be inferred with high-resolution near-IR spectroscopy prior to the era of high angular resolution optical or radio direct-imaging. By determining the disk eccentricity in medium-separation young binaries, we might be able to constrain the planet formation theories.
