The rectification of noise into directed movement or useful energy is utilized by many different systems. The peculiar nature of the energy source and conceptual differences between such Brownian motor systems makes a characterization of the performance far from straightforward. In this work, where the Brownian motor consists of atoms interacting with dissipative optical lattices, we adopt existing theory and present experimental measurements for both the efficiency and the transport coherence. We achieve up to 0.3% for the efficiency and 0.01 for the Peclet number.
Infinite densities can describe the long-time properties of systems when ergodicity is broken and the equilibrium Boltzmann-Gibbs distribution fails. We here perform semiclassical Monte Carlo simulations of cold atoms in dissipative optical lattices with realistic parameters. We show that the momentum infinite density, as well as its scale invariance, should be observable in shallow potentials. We further evaluate the momentum autocorrelation function in the stationary and aging regime.
Many-body systems relaxing to equilibrium can exhibit complex dynamics even if their steady state is trivial. At low temperatures or high densities their evolution is often dominated by steric hindrances affecting particle motion [1,2,3]. Local rearrangements are highly constrained, giving rise to collective - and often slow - relaxation.This dynamics can be difficult to analyse from first principles, but the essential physical ingredients are captured by idealized lattice models with so- called kinetic constraints [4]. Here we experimentally realize a many-body system exhibiting manifest kinetic constraints and measure its dynamical properties. In the cold Rydberg gas used in our experiments, the nature of the constraints can be tailored through the detuning of the excitation lasers from resonance [5,6,7,8], which controls whether the system undergoes correlated or anti- correlated dynamics. Our results confirm recent theoretical predictions [5,6], and highlight the analogy between the dynamics of interacting Rydberg gases and that of soft-matter systems.
We present here a detailed study of the behaviour of a three dimensional Brownian motor based on cold atoms in a double optical lattice [P. Sjolund et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 190602 (2006)]. This includes both experiments and numerical simulations of a Brownian particle. The potentials used are spatially and temporally symmetric, but combined spatiotemporal symmetry is broken by phase shifts and asymmetric transfer rates between potentials. The diffusion of atoms in the optical lattices is rectified and controlled both in direction and speed along three dimensions. We explore a large range of experimental parameters, where irradiances and detunings of the optical lattice lights are varied within the dissipative regime. Induced drift velocities in the order of one atomic recoil velocity have been achieved.
We experimentally study the coherence time of a below-threshold Raman laser in which the gain medium is a gas of magneto-optically trapped atoms. The second-order optical coherence exhibits photon bunching with a correlation time which is varied by two orders of magnitude by controlling the gain. Results are in good agreement with a simple analytic model which suggests the effect is dominated by gain, rather than dispersion, in this system. Cavity ring-down measurements show the photon lifetime, related to the first-order coherence time, is also increased.
In this Colloquium we discuss the anomalous kinetics of atoms in dissipative optical lattices, focusing on the ``Sisyphus laser cooling mechanism. The cooling scheme induces a friction force that decreases to zero for high atomic momentum, which in turn leads to unusual statistical features. We study, using a Fokker-Planck equation describing the semi-classical limit of the system, the shallow optical lattice regime where the momentum distribution of the particles is heavy-tailed and the spatial diffusion is anomalous. As the depth of the optical lattice is tuned, transitions in the dynamical properties of the system occur, for example a transition from Gaussian diffusion to a Levy walk and the breakdown of the Green-Kubo formula for the diffusion constant. Rare events, in both the momentum and spatial distributions, are described by non-normalized states, with tools adapted from infinite ergodic theory. We present experimental observations and elementary explanations for the physical mechanisms of cooling that lead to these anomalous behaviors, comparing theory with available experimental and numerical data.
M. Zelan
,H. Hagman
,G. Labaigt
"Experimental measurement of efficiency and transport coherence of a cold atom Brownian motor in optical lattices"
Claude Dion
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