Psi to N Nbar m

Abstract in English

In this invited talk I discuss two recent applications of charmonium (Psi) decays to N Nbar m final states, where N is a nucleon and m is a light meson. There are several motivations for studying these decays: 1) They are useful for the study of N* spectroscopy; 2) they can be used to estimate cross sections for the associated charmonium production processes p pbar to Psi m, which PANDA plans to exploit in searches for charmonium hybrid exotics; and 3) they may allow the direct experimental measurement of NNm (meson-nucleon) strong couplings, which provide crucial input information for meson exchange models of the NN force. The latter two topics are considered in this talk, which will also compare results from a simple hadron pole model of these decays to recent experimental data.
