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Scaling behavior of current- voltage characteristics of Y(1-x)CaxBa2Cu3O(7-{delta}) polycrystalline samples

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 Added by Elena Nazarova
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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I-V characteristics of polycrystalline Y(1-x)CaxBa2Cu3O(7-{delta}) samples (x=0.025 and 0.20) have been measured at different temperatures and magnetic fields in the range 0.1 T-6.9 T. The scaling behavior has been established for both samples at all magnetic fields. The dynamic exponent z displays some morphology dependence with higher value for small grain size sample Y0.8Ca0.2Ba2Cu3O(7-{delta}). The static exponent { u} has been determined from {rho} vs. T dependence at given magnetic field. The critical exponents are field independent with one only exception ({ u} - for Y0.975Ca0.025Ba2Cu3O(7-{delta}) sample). This is connected with the special interrelation between the vortex correlation length, {xi}, and intervortex spacing {alpha} ({xi} leq {alpha}) at all magnetic fields above Tg for this sample and its better pinning.

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Scanning tunneling spectroscopy was performed on c-axis Y{1-x}Ca{x}Ba2Cu3O{7-delta} thin films for x= 0, 0.05, 0.15 and 0.20 at 4.2K. The measured spectra show main-gap, sub-gap and satellite features which scale similarly in energy versus Ca-doping, suggesting that they are associated with a single pairing energy. The data is analyzed with a multiband tunneling model which attributes the sub-gap features to the chain band and the satellite and main-gap features to the plane band for d+s pairing symmetry. These results suggest that the superconductivity in Y{1-x}Ca{x}Ba2Cu3O{7-delta} involves multiple bands.
The vortex phase diagrams of NdFeAsO0.85F0.15 and NdFeAsO0.85 superconductors are determined from the analysis of resistivity and current-voltage (I-V) measurements in magnetic fields up to 9 T. A clear vortex glass to liquid transition is identified only in the oxygen deficient NdFeAsO0.85, in which I-V curves can be well scaled onto liquid and glass branches consistent with the vortex glass theory. With increasing magnetic field, the activation energy U0, deduced from the Arrhenius plots of resistivity based on the thermally activated flux-flow model (TAFF), decays more quickly for NdFeAsO0.85F0.15 than for NdFeAsO0.85. Moreover, the irreversibility field Hirr of NdFeAsO0.85 increases more rapidly than that of NdFeAsO0.85F0.15 with decreasing temperature. These observations evidence the strong vortex pinning effects, presumably caused by the enhanced defects and disorders in the oxygen deficient NdFeAsO0.85. It is inferred that the enhanced defects and disorder can be also responsible for the vortex glass to liquid transition in the NdFeAsO0.85.
In NdBa_2[Cu_{1-y}Ni_y]_3O_{7-delta}, magnetic Ni-impurities suppress Tc but at the same time the pseudogap is strongly enhanced. This unique feature makes it an ideal system to study possible relations between the anomalous Nernst effect, superconductivity and the pseudogap. We present Nernst effect measurements on a series of optimally doped (O_7) and underdoped (O_{6.8}) samples with Ni contents ranging from y=0 to 0.12. In all samples an onset of the Nernst signal is found at T^ u > Tc. For the optimally doped samples T^ u and Tc decrease simultaneously with increasing Ni content. The underdoped samples show a different behavior, i.e. the onset of the Nernst signal is hardly affected by increasing the Ni content from y=0 to 0.03. Irrespective of the oxygen content, T^ u clearly does not track the enhanced pseudogap temperature T*.
We report measurements of transfer functions and flux shifts of 20 on-chip high T$_C$ DC SQUIDs half of which were made purposely geometrically asymmetric. All of these SQUIDs were fabricated using standard high T$_C$ thin film technology and they were single layer ones, having 140 nm thickness of YBa$_2$Cu$_3$O$_{7-x}$ film deposited by laser ablation onto MgO bicrystal substrates with 24$^0$ misorientation angle. For every SQUID the parameters of its intrinsic asymmetry, i. e., the density of critical current and resistivity of every junction, were measured directly and independently. We showed that the main reason for the on-chip spreading of SQUIDs voltage-current and voltage-flux characteristics was the intrinsic asymmetry. We found that for SQUIDs with a relative large inductance ($L>120 $ pH) both the voltage modulation and the transfer function were not very sensitive to the junctions asymmetry, whereas SQUIDs with smaller inductance ($Lsimeq 65-75 $ pH) were more sensitive. The results obtained in the paper are important for the implementation in the sensitive instruments based on high T$_C$ SQUID arrays and gratings.
The intragrain pinning in high-$T_c$ superconductor compounds Y$_{1-x}$RE$_{x}$Ba$_{2}$Cu$_{3}$O$_{7-delta}$ with low concentration of RE (La, Ce, Pr) was investigated. Magnetic and transport measurements reveal that the pinning is maximal for the concentration of heterovalent RE such that the average distance between the impurity ions in the plane of rare-earth elements close to the diameter of Abrikosov vortices in YBCO.
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