Long-term Spectroscopic Monitoring of LBVs and LBV Candidates

Abstract in English

We present results of a long-term spectroscopic monitoring program (since mid 2009) of Luminous Blue Variables with the new HERMES echelle spectrograph on the 1.2 m Mercator telescope at La Palma (Spain). We investigate high-resolution (R=80,000) optical spectra of two LBVs, P Cyg and HD 168607, the LBV candidates MWC 930 and HD 168625, and the LBV binary MWC 314. In P Cyg we observe flux changes in the violet wings of the Balmer H{alpha}, H{beta}, and He I lines between May and Sep 2009. The changes around 200 km/s to 300 km/s are caused by variable opacity at the base of the supersonic wind from the blue supergiant. We observe in MWC 314 broad double-peaked metal emission lines with invariable radial velocities over time. On the other hand, we measure in the photospheric S II {lambda}5647 absorption line, with lower excitation energy of ~14 eV, an increase of the heliocentric radial velocity centroid from 37 km/s to 70 km/s between 5 and 10 Sep 2009 (and 43 km/s on 6 Apr 2010). The increase of radial velocity of ~33 km/s in only 5 days can confirm the binary nature of this LBV close to the Eddington luminosity limit. A comparison with VLT-UVES and Keck-Hires spectra observed over the past 13 years reveals strong flux variability in the violet wing of the H{alpha} emission line of HD 168625, and in the absorption portion of the H{beta} line of HD 168607. In HD 168625 we observe H{alpha} wind absorption at velocities exceeding 200 km/s which develops between Apr and June 2010.
