Simple (SISYPHUS) dynamical model of the cosmological constant

Abstract in English

In this work we suggest (in a formal analogy with Linde chaotic inflation scenario) simple dynamical model of the dark energy or cosmological constant. Concretely, we suggest a Lagrangian dependent of Universe scale factor and scalar field (with constant and positive total energy density as cosmological constant). Then, Euler-Lagrange equation for Universe scale factor is equivalent to the second Friedman equation for the flat empty space with cosmological constant (in this sense our model is full agreement with recent astronomical observations). Also there is Euler-Lagrange equation for scalar field that includes additional friction term and negative first partial derivative of unknown potential energy density (this equation is, in some way, similar to Klein-Gordon equation modified for cosmic expansion in Linde chaotic inflation scenario). Finally, total time derivative of the (constant) scalar field total energy density must be zero. It implies third dynamical equation which is equivalent to usual Euler-Lagrange equation with positive partial derivative of unknown potential energy density (this equation is formally exactly equivalent to corresponding equation in static Universe). Last two equations admit simple exact determination of scalar field and potential energy density, while cosmological constant stands a free parameter. Potential energy density represents a square function of scalar field with unique maximum (dynamically non-stable point). Any initial scalar field tends (co-exponentially) during time toward the same final scalar field, argument of the maximum of the potential energy density. It admits a possibility that final dynamically non-stable scalar field value turns out spontaneously in any other scalar field value when all begins again (like Sisyphus boulder motion).
