Quantum tomography of the full hyperfine manifold of atomic spins via continuous measurement on an ensemble

Abstract in English

Quantum state reconstruction based on weak continuous measurement has the advantage of being fast, accurate, and almost non-perturbative. In this work we present a pedagogical review of the protocol proposed by Silberfarb et al., PRL 95 030402 (2005), whereby an ensemble of identically prepared systems is collectively probed and controlled in a time-dependent manner so as to create an informationally complete continuous measurement record. The measurement history is then inverted to determine the state at the initial time through a maximum-likelihood estimate. The general formalism is applied to the case of reconstruction of the quantum state encoded in the magnetic sublevels of a large-spin alkali atom, 133Cs. We detail two different protocols for control. Using magnetic interactions and a quadratic ac-Stark shift, we can reconstruct a chosen hyperfine manifold F, e.g., the 7-dimensional F=3 manifold in the electronic-ground state of Cs. We review the procedure as implemented in experiments (Smith et al., PRL 97 180403 (2006)). We extend the protocol to the more ambitious case of reconstruction of states in the full 16-dimensional electronic-ground subspace (F=3 oplus F=4), controlled by microwaves and radio-frequency magnetic fields. We give detailed derivations of all physical interactions, approximations, numerical methods, and fitting procedures, tailored to the realistic experimental setting. For the case of light-shift and magnetic control, reconstruction fidelities of sim 0.95 have been achieved, limited primarily by inhomogeneities in the light shift. For the case of microwave/RF-control we simulate fidelity >0.97, limited primarily by signal-to-noise.
