HERWIRI1.031: New Approach to Parton Shower MCs in Precision QCD Theory

Abstract in English

The new IR-improved Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi-Callan-Symanzik (DGLAP-CS) kernels recently developed by one of us is implemented in the HERWIG6.5 environment to generate a new MC, HERWIRI1.0(31), for hadron-hadron scattering at high energies. The comparison between the parton shower generated by the standard DGLAP-CS kernels and that generated by the new IR-improved DGLAP-CS kernels is illustrated using MC data. This is done for some of the respective exact {cal O}(alpha_s) corrected spectra using the seamless interfaces to MC@NLO while making comparisons with FNAL data. Some discussion of possible implications for LHC phenomenology is also presented.
