High precision $^{89}$Y($alpha$,$alpha$)$^{89}$Y scattering at low energies

Abstract in English

Elastic scattering cross sections of the $^{89}$Y($alpha$,$alpha$)$^{89}$Y reaction have been measured at energies E$_{c.m.}$ = 15.51 and 18.63 MeV. The high precision data for the semi-magic $N = 50$ nucleus $^{89}$Y are used to derive a local potential and to evaluate the predictions of global and regional $alpha$-nucleus potentials. The variation of the elastic alpha scattering cross sections along the $N = 50$ isotonic chain is investigated by a study of the ratios of angular distributions for $^{89}$Y($alpha$,$alpha$)$^{89}$Y and $^{92}$Mo($alpha$,$alpha$)$^{92}$Mo at E$_{c.m.} approx$ 15.51 and 18.63 MeV. This ratio is a very sensitive probe at energies close to the Coulomb barrier, where scattering data alone is usually not enough to characterize the different potentials. Furthermore, $alpha$-cluster states in $^{93}$Nb = $^{89}$Y $otimes$ $alpha$ are investigated.
