Discovery of an Excess of Halpha Emitters around 4C 23.56 at z=2.48

Abstract in English

We report the discovery of a significant excess of candidate Halpha emitters (HAEs) in the field of the radio galaxy 4C 23.56 at z=2.483. Using the MOIRCS near-infrared imager on the Subaru Telescope we found 11 candidate emission-line galaxies to a flux limit of ~7.5 10^-17 erg s-1 cm-2, which is about 5 times excess from the expected field counts with ~3-sigma significance. Three of these are spectroscopically confirmed as redshifted Halpha at z=2.49. The distribution of candidate emitters on the sky is tightly confined to a 1.2-Mpc-radius area at z=2.49, locating 4C 23.56 at the western edge of the distribution. Analysis of the deep Spitzer MIPS 24 mu m imaging shows that there is also an excess of faint MIPS sources. All but two of the 11 HAEs are also found in the MIPS data. The inferred star-formation rate (SFR) of the HAEs based on the extinction-corrected Halpha luminosity (median SFR >~100 M_solar yr-1) is similar to those of HAEs in random fields at z~2. On the other hand, the MIPS-based SFR for the HAEs is on average 3.6 times larger, suggesting the existence of the star-formation significanly obscured by dust. The comparison of the Halpha-based star-formation activities of the HAEs in the 4C 23.56 field to those in another proto-cluster around PKS 1138-262 at z=2.16 reveals that the latter tend to have fainter Halpha emission despite similar K-band magnitudes. This suggests that star-formation may be suppressed in the PKS 1138-262 protocluster relative to the 4C 23.56 protocluster. This difference among the HAEs in the two proto-clusters at z > 2 may imply that some massive cluster galaxies are just forming at these epochs with some variation among clusters.
