Generalization of Schwinger-Zwanziger Dyon to Quaternion

Abstract in English

Postulating the existence of magnetic monopole in electromagnetism and Heavisidian monopoles in gravitational interactions, a unified theory of gravi-electromagnetism has been developed on generalizing the Schwinger-Zwanziger formulation of dyon to quaternion in simple and consistent manner. Starting with the four Lorentz like forces on different charges, we have generalized the Schwinger-Zwanziger quantization parameters in order to obtain the angular momentum for unified fields of dyons and gravito-dyons (i.e. Gravi-electromagnetism). Taking the unified charge as quaternion, we have reformulated manifestly covariant and consistent theory for the dynamics of four charges namely electric, magnetic, gravitational and Heavisidian associated with gravi electromagnetism. PACS No: 14.80 Hv.
