Antiferromagnetic ordering in the absence of a structural distortion in Ba(Fe{1-x}Mn{x})2As2

Abstract in English

Neutron and x-ray diffraction studies of Ba(Fe{1-x}Mn{x})2As2 for low doping concentrations (x <= 0.176) reveal that at a critical concentration, 0.102 < x < 0.118, the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic transition abruptly disappears whereas magnetic ordering with a propagation vector of (1/2 1/2 1) persists. Among all of the iron arsenides this observation is unique to Mn-doping, and unexpected because all models for stripe-like antiferromagnetic order anticipate an attendant orthorhombic distortion due to magnetoelastic effects. We discuss these observations and their consequences in terms of previous studies of Ba(Fe{1-x}TM{x})2As2 compounds (TM = Transition Metal), and models for magnetic ordering in the iron arsenide compounds.
