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Compensating Interpolation Distortion by New Optimized Modular Method

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 Added by Ali Ayremlou
 Publication date 2010
and research's language is English

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A modular method was suggested before to recover a band limited signal from the sample and hold and linearly interpolated (or, in general, an nth-order-hold) version of the regular samples. In this paper a novel approach for compensating the distortion of any interpolation based on modular method has been proposed. In this method the performance of the modular method is optimized by adding only some simply calculated coefficients. This approach causes drastic improvement in terms of SNRs with fewer modules compared to the classical modular method. Simulation results clearly confirm the improvement of the proposed method and also its superior robustness against additive noise.

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A modular method was suggested before to recover a band limited signal from the sample and hold and linearly interpolated (or, in general, an nth-order-hold) version of the regular samples. In this paper a novel approach for compensating the distortion of any interpolation based on modular method has been proposed. In this method the performance of the modular method is optimized by adding only some simply calculated coefficients. This approach causes drastic improvement in terms of signal-to-noise ratios with fewer modules compared to the classical modular method. Simulation results clearly confirm the improvement of the proposed method and also its superior robustness against additive noise.
In this paper, we investigate the problem of designing compact support interpolation kernels for a given class of signals. By using calculus of variations, we simplify the optimization problem from an infinite nonlinear problem to a finite dimensional linear case, and then find the optimum compact support function that best approximates a given filter in the least square sense (l2 norm). The benefit of compact support interpolants is the low computational complexity in the interpolation process while the optimum compact support interpolant gaurantees the highest achivable Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR). Our simulation results confirm the superior performance of the proposed splines compared to other conventional compact support interpolants such as cubic spline.
The goal of this paper is to design compact support basis spline functions that best approximate a given filter (e.g., an ideal Lowpass filter). The optimum function is found by minimizing the least square problem ($ell$2 norm of the difference between the desired and the approximated filters) by means of the calculus of variation; more precisely, the introduced splines give optimal filtering properties with respect to their time support interval. Both mathematical analysis and simulation results confirm the superiority of these splines.
In this paper a novel hybrid approach for compensating the distortion of any interpolation has been proposed. In this hybrid method, a modular approach was incorporated in an iterative fashion. By using this approach we can get drastic improvement with less computational complexity. The extension of the proposed approach to two dimensions was also studied. Both the simulation results and mathematical analyses confirmed the superiority of the hybrid method. The proposed method was also shown to be robust against additive noise.
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