Short range correlations and wave function factorization in light and finite nuclei

Abstract in English

Recent BNL and Jlab data provided new evidence on two nucleon correlations (2NC) in nuclei. The data confirm the validity of the convolution model, describing the spectral function (SF) of a correlated pair moving in the mean field with high and low relative and center-of-mass (cm) momenta, respectively. The model is built assuming that the wave function (WF) of a nucleus A, describing a configuration where the cm momentum of a correlated pair is low and its relative momentum is high, factorizes into the product of the two-body WF and that of the A-2 system. Such a factorization has been shown to occur in nuclear matter (NM). Here it is shown that few-body systems exhibit factorization, which seems to be therefore a general property, to be reproduced also in studies of the WF of finite nuclei.
