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Constraining the cosmic radiation density due to lepton number with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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 Added by Sergio Pastor
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The cosmic energy density in the form of radiation before and during Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN) is typically parameterized in terms of the effective number of neutrinos N_eff. This quantity, in case of no extra degrees of freedom, depends upon the chemical potential and the temperature characterizing the three active neutrino distributions, as well as by their possible non-thermal features. In the present analysis we determine the upper bounds that BBN places on N_eff from primordial neutrino--antineutrino asymmetries, with a careful treatment of the dynamics of neutrino oscillations. We consider quite a wide range for the total lepton number in the neutrino sector, eta_nu= eta_{nu_e}+eta_{nu_mu}+eta_{nu_tau} and the initial electron neutrino asymmetry eta_{nu_e}^in, solving the corresponding kinetic equations which rule the dynamics of neutrino (antineutrino) distributions in phase space due to collisions, pair processes and flavor oscillations. New bounds on both the total lepton number in the neutrino sector and the nu_e -bar{nu}_e asymmetry at the onset of BBN are obtained fully exploiting the time evolution of neutrino distributions, as well as the most recent determinations of primordial 2H/H density ratio and 4He mass fraction. Note that taking the baryon fraction as measured by WMAP, the 2H/H abundance plays a relevant role in constraining the allowed regions in the eta_nu -eta_{nu_e}^in plane. These bounds fix the maximum contribution of neutrinos with primordial asymmetries to N_eff as a function of the mixing parameter theta_13, and point out the upper bound N_eff < 3.4. Comparing these results with the forthcoming measurement of N_eff by the Planck satellite will likely provide insight on the nature of the radiation content of the universe.

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We reexamine big bang nucleosynthesis with large-scale baryon density inhomogeneities when the length scale of the density fluctuations exceeds the neutron diffusion length ($sim 10^7-10^8$ cm at BBN), and the amplitude of the fluctuations is sufficiently small to prevent gravitational collapse. In this limit, the final light element abundances can be determined by simply mixing the abundances from regions with different baryon/photon ratios without interactions. We examine gaussian, lognormal, and gamma distributions for the baryon/photon ratio, $eta $. We find that the deuterium and lithium-7 abundances increase with the RMS fluctuation in $eta $, while the effect on helium-4 is much smaller. We show that these increases in the deuterium and lithium-7 abundances are a consequence of Jensens inequality, and we derive analytic approximations for these abundances in the limit of small RMS fluctuations. Observational upper limits on the primordial deuterium abundance constrain the RMS fluctuation in $eta $ to be less than $17%$ of the mean value of $eta $. This provides us with a new limit on the graininess of the early universe.
We compute radiative corrections to nuclear reaction rates that determine the outcome of the Big-Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN). Any nuclear reaction producing a photon with an energy above $2m_e$ must be supplemented by the corresponding reaction where the final state photon is replaced by an electron-positron pair. We find that pair production brings a typical $0.2 %$ enhancement to photon emission rates, resulting in a similar size corrections to elemental abundances. The exception is $^4{rm He}$ abundance, which is insensitive to the small changes in the nuclear reaction rates. We also investigate the effect of vacuum polarisation on the Coulomb barrier, which brings a small extra correction when reaction rates are extrapolated from the measured energies to the BBN Gamow peak energies.
We consider the effect of a small-scale matter-antimatter domain structure on big bang nucleosynthesis and place upper limits on the amount of antimatter in the early universe. For small domains, which annihilate before nucleosynthesis, this limit comes from underproduction of He-4. For larger domains, the limit comes from He-3 overproduction. Most of the He-3 from antiproton-helium annihilation is annihilated also. The main source of He-3 is photodisintegration of He-4 by the electromagnetic cascades initiated by the annihilation.
A host of dark energy models and non-standard cosmologies predict an enhanced Hubble rate in the early Universe: perfectly viable models, which satisfy Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), cosmic microwave background and general relativity tests, may nevertheless lead to enhancements of the Hubble rate up to many orders of magnitude. In this paper we show that strong bounds on the pre-BBN evolution of the Universe may be derived, under the assumption that dark matter is a thermal relic, by combining the dark matter relic density bound with constraints coming from the production of cosmic-ray antiprotons by dark matter annihilation in the Galaxy. The limits we derive can be sizable and apply to the Hubble rate around the temperature of dark matter decoupling. For dark matter masses lighter than 100 GeV, the bound on the Hubble-rate enhancement ranges from a factor of a few to a factor of 30, depending on the actual cosmological model, while for a mass of 500 GeV the bound falls in the range 50-500. Uncertainties in the derivation of the bounds and situations where the bounds become looser are discussed. We finally discuss how these limits apply to some specific realizations of non-standard cosmologies: a scalar-tensor gravity model, kination models and a Randall-Sundrum D-brane model.
Standard big bang nucleosynthesis (SBBN) has been remarkably successful, and it may well be the correct and sufficient account of what happened. However, interest in variations from the standard picture come from two sources: First, big bang nucleosynthesis can be used to constrain physics of the early universe. Second, there may be some discrepancy between predictions of SBBN and observations of abundances. Various alternatives to SBBN include inhomogeneous nucleosynthesis, nucleosynthesis with antimatter, and nonstandard neutrino physics.
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