Constraints on a hadronic model for unidentified off-plane galactic gamma-ray sources

Abstract in English

Recently the H.E.S.S. collaboration announced the detection of an unidentified gamma-ray source with an off-set from the galactic plane of 3.5 degrees: HESS J1507-622. If the distance of the object is larger than about one kpc it would be physically located outside the galactic disk. The density profile of the ISM perpendicular to the galactic plane, which acts as target material for hadronic gamma-ray production, drops quite fast with increasing distance. This fact places distance dependent constraints on the energetics and properties of off-plane gamma-ray sources like HESS J1507-622 if a hadronic origin of the gamma-ray emission is assumed. For the case of this source it is found that there seems to be no simple way to link this object to the remnant of a stellar explosions.
