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Spitzer IRS 16 micron Observations of the GOODS Fields

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 Added by Harry Teplitz
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present Spitzer 16 micron imaging of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) fields. We survey 150 square arcminutes in each of the two GOODS fields (North and South), to an average 3 sigma depth of 40 and 65 micro-Jy respectively. We detect about 1300 sources in both fields combined. We validate the photometry using the 3-24 micron spectral energy distribution of stars in the fields compared to Spitzer spectroscopic templates. Comparison with ISOCAM and AKARI observations in the same fields show reasonable agreement, though the uncertainties are large. We provide a catalog of photometry, with sources cross correlated with available Spitzer, Chandra, and HST data. Galaxy number counts show good agreement with previous results from ISOCAM and AKARI, with improved uncertainties. We examine the 16 to 24 micron flux ratio and find that for most sources it lies within the expected locus for starbursts and infrared luminous galaxies. A color cut of S_{16}/S_{24}>1.4 selects mostly sources which lie at 1.1<z<1.6, where the 24 micron passband contains both the redshifted 9.7 micron silicate absorption and the minimum between PAH emission peaks. We measure the integrated galaxy light of 16 micron sources, and find a lower limit on the galaxy contribution to the extragalactic background light at this wavelength to be 2.2pm 0.2$ nW m^{-2} sr^{-1}.

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231 - H. I. Teplitz 2005
We present a pilot study of 16 micron imaging within the GOODS northern field. Observations were obtained using the PeakUp imaging capability of the Spitzer IRS. We survey 35 square arcminutes to an average 3 sigma depth of 0.075 mJy and detect 149 sources. The survey partially overlaps the area imaged at 15 microns by ISO, and we demonstrate that our photometry and galaxy-number counts are consistent with their measurements. We infer the total infrared luminosity of 16 micron detections using a comparison to local templates and find a wide range of L_IR} from ~10^9 to 10^{12} L_sun. Approximately one fifth of the detected sources have counterparts in the Chandra 2 Msec catalog, and we show that the hard band (2-8 keV) detected sources are likely to have strong AGN contributions to the X-ray flux. The ultradeep sensitivity of Chandra implies some X-ray detections may be purely starbursting objects. We examine the 16 to 24 micron flux ratio and conclude that it shows evidence for the detection of redshifted PAH emission at z~0.5 and z>0.8.
Luminous Infrared (IR) Galaxies (LIRGs) are an important cosmological class of galaxies as they are the main contributors to the co-moving star formation rate density of the universe at z=1. In this paper we present a GTO Spitzer IRS program aimed to obtain spectral mapping of a sample of 14 local (d<76Mpc) LIRGs. The data cubes map, at least, the central 20arcsec x 20arcsec to 30arcsec x 30arcsec regions of the galaxies, and use all four IRS modules covering the full 5-38micron spectral range. The final goal of this project is to characterize fully the mid-IR properties of local LIRGs as a first step to understanding their more distant counterparts. In this paper we present the first results of this GTO program. The IRS spectral mapping data allow us to build spectral maps of the bright mid-IR emission lines (e.g., [NeII], [NeIII], [SIII], H_2), continuum, the 6.2 and 11.3micron PAH features, and the 9.7micron silicate feature, as well as to extract 1D spectra for regions of interest in each galaxy. The IRS data are used to obtain spatially resolved measurements of the extinction using the 9.7micron silicate feature, and to trace star forming regions using the neon lines and the PAH features. We also investigate a number of AGN indicators, including the presence of high excitation emission lines and a strong dust continuum emission at around 6micron. We finally use the integrated Spitzer/IRS spectra as templates of local LIRGs. We discuss several possible uses for these templates, including the calibration of the star formation rate of IR-bright galaxies at high redshift. We also predict the intensities of the brightest mid-IR emission lines for LIRGs as a function of redshift, and compare them with the expected sensitivities of future space IR missions.
We present mid-infrared observations of AGN in the GOODS fields, performed with the Spitzer Space Telescope. These are the deepest infrared and X-ray fields to date and cover a total area of ~0.1 square degrees. AGN are selected on the basis of their hard (2-8 keV) X-ray emission. The median AGN infrared luminosity is at least 10 times larger than the median for normal galaxies with the same redshift distribution, suggesting that the infrared emission is dominated by the central nucleus. The X-ray to infrared luminosity ratios of GOODS AGN, most of which are at 0.5<z<1.5, are similar to the values obtained for AGN in the local Universe. The observed infrared flux distribution has an integral slope of ~1.5 and there are 1000 sources per square degree brighter than ~50 uJy at 3-6 microns. The counts approximately match the predictions of models based on AGN unification, in which the majority of AGN are obscured. This agreement confirms that the faintest X-ray sources, which are dominated by the host galaxy light in the optical, are obscured AGN. Using these Spitzer data, the AGN contribution to the extragalactic infrared background light is calculated by correlating the X-ray and infrared catalogues. This is likely to be a lower limit given that the most obscured AGN are missed in X-rays. We estimate the contribution of AGN missed in X-rays, using a population synthesis model, to be ~45% of the observed AGN contribution, making the AGN contribution to the infrared background at most ~2-10% in the 3-24 micron range, depending on wavelength, lower than most previous estimates. The AGN contribution to the infrared background remains roughly constant with source flux in the IRAC bands but decreases with decreasing flux in the MIPS 24 um band, where the galaxy population becomes more important.
202 - J.S.Dunlop , P.A.R.Ade , J.J.Bock 2009
We identify and investigate the nature of the 20 brightest 250-micron sources detected by the BLAST within the central 150 sq. arcmin of the GOODS-South field. Aided by the available deep VLA radio imaging, reaching S_1.4 = 30 micro-Jy, we have identified radio counterparts for 17/20 of the 250-micron sources. The resulting enhanced positional accuracy of ~1 arcsec has then allowed us to exploit the deep multi-frequency imaging of GOODS-South to establish secure galaxy counterparts for the 17 radio-identified sources, and plausible galaxy candidates for the 3 radio-unidentified sources. Confusion is a serious issue for this deep BLAST 250-micron survey, due to the large size of the beam. Nevertheless, we argue that our chosen counterparts are significant, and often dominant contributors to the measured BLAST flux densities. For all of these 20 galaxies we have been able to determine spectroscopic (8) or photometric (12) redshifts. The result is the first `complete redshift distribution for a deep 250-micron selected galaxy sample. This reveals that 250-micron surveys reaching detection limits of ~30 mJy contain not only low-redshift spirals/LIRGs, but also the extreme z~2 dust-enshrouded starburst galaxies previously discovered at sub-millimetre wavelengths. Based on their IRAC colours, we find that virtually all of the BLAST galaxy identifications appear better described as analogues of the M82 starburst galaxy, or Sc star-forming discs rather than highly obscured ULIRGs. Inspection of the LABOCA 870-micron imaging of the GOODS-South field yields detections of 7/11 of the z>1 BLAST sources, and reveals 250/870 flux-density ratios consistent with a standard 40K modified black-body fit with a dust emissivity index beta=1.5.
337 - D. Lutz , L. Yan , L. Armus 2005
We present MAMBO 1.2mm observations of 40 extragalactic sources from the Spitzer First Look Survey that are bright in the mid-infrared (S_24um>1mJy) but optically obscured (log_10 (nu F_nu (24um))/(nu F_nu (0.7um))>1). We use these observations to search for cold dust emission, probing the similarity of their spectral energy distributions to star forming infrared galaxies or obscured AGN. The sample as a whole is well detected at mean S_1.2mm=0.74+-0.09mJy and S_1.2mm/S_24um=0.15+-0.03. Seven (three) of the sources are individually detected at >3sigma (>5sigma) levels. Mean millimeter fluxes are higher for sources with the reddest mid-infrared/optical colors. Optically faint but with relatively low mm to mid-infrared ratio, the typical SEDs are inconsistent with redshifted SED shapes of local star-forming infrared galaxies. They also differ from SEDs of typical submillimeter selected galaxies, with the 24um sources that are individually detected by MAMBO possibly representing intermediate objects. Compared to star-forming galaxies, a stronger but optically obscured mid-infrared component without associated strong far-infrared emission has to be included. This component may be due to luminous optically obscured AGN, which would represent a significant part of the high redshift AGN population.
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