Hermite variations of the fractional Brownian sheet

Abstract in English

We prove central and non-central limit theorems for the Hermite variations of the anisotropic fractional Brownian sheet $W^{alpha, beta}$ with Hurst parameter $(alpha, beta) in (0,1)^2$. When $0<alpha leq 1-frac{1}{2q}$ or $0<beta leq 1-frac{1}{2q}$ a central limit theorem holds for the renormalized Hermite variations of order $qgeq 2$, while for $1-frac{1}{2q}<alpha, beta < 1$ we prove that these variations satisfy a non-central limit theorem. In fact, they converge to a random variable which is the value of a two-parameter Hermite process at time $(1,1)$.
