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Min et al. (2009) presented two complementary techniques that use the diffusion approximation to allow efficient Monte-Carlo radiation transfer in very optically thick regions: a modified random walk and a partial diffusion approximation. In this note, I show that the calculations required for the modified random walk method can be significantly simplified. In particular, the diffusion coefficient and the mass absorption coefficients required for the modified random walk are in fact the same as the standard diffusion coefficient and the Planck mean mass absorption coefficient.
The theory and numerical modelling of radiation processes and radiative transfer play a key role in astrophysics: they provide the link between the physical properties of an object and the radiation it emits. In the modern era of increasingly high-quality observational data and sophisticated physical theories, development and exploitation of a variety of approaches to the modelling of radiative transfer is needed. In this article, we focus on one remarkably versatile approach: Monte Carlo Radiative Transfer (MCRT). We describe the principles behind this approach, and highlight the relative ease with which they can (and have) been implemented for application to a range of astrophysical problems. All MCRT methods have in common a need to consider the adverse consequences of Monte Carlo noise in simulation results. We overview a range of methods used to suppress this noise and comment on their relative merits for a variety of applications. We conclude with a brief review of specific applications for which MCRT methods are currently popular and comment on the prospects for future developments.
(Context) Monte Carlo radiative transfer (MCRT) is a widely used technique to model the interaction between radiation and a medium, and plays an important role in astrophysical modelling and when comparing those models with observations. (Aims) In this work, we present a novel approach to MCRT that addresses the challenging memory access patterns of traditional MCRT algorithms, which hinder optimal performance of MCRT simulations on modern hardware with a complex memory architecture. (Methods) We reformulate the MCRT photon packet life cycle as a task-based algorithm, whereby the computation is broken down into small tasks that are executed concurrently. Photon packets are stored in intermediate buffers, and tasks propagate photon packets through small parts of the computational domain, moving them from one buffer to another in the process. (Results) Using the implementation of the new algorithm in the photoionization MCRT code CMacIonize 2.0, we show that the decomposition of the MCRT grid into small parts leads to a significant performance gain during the photon packet propagation phase, which constitutes the bulk of an MCRT algorithm, as a result of better usage of memory caches. Our new algorithm is a factor 2 to 4 faster than an equivalent traditional algorithm and shows good strong scaling up to 30 threads. We briefly discuss how our new algorithm could be adjusted or extended to other astrophysical MCRT applications. (Conclusions) We show that optimising the memory access patterns of a memory-bound algorithm such as MCRT can yield significant performance gains.
We present a new algorithm for radiative transfer, based on a statistical Monte-Carlo approach, that does not suffer from teleportation effects on the one hand, and yields smooth results on the other hand. Implicit-Monte-Carlo (IMC) techniques for modeling radiative transfer exist from the 70s. However, in optically thick problems, the basic algorithm suffers from `teleportation errors, where the photons propagate faster than the exact physical behavior, due to the absorption-black body emission processes. One possible solution is to use semi-analog Monte-Carlo, in its new implicit form (ISMC), that uses two kinds of particles, photons and discrete material particles. This algorithm yields excellent teleportation-free results, however, it also results with nosier solutions (relative to classic IMC) due to its discrete nature. Here, we derive a new Monte-Carlo algorithm, Discrete implicit Monte-Carlo (DIMC) that uses the idea of the two-kind discrete particles and thus, does not suffer from teleportation errors. DIMC implements the IMC discretization and creates new radiation photons each time step, unlike ISMC. This yields smooth results as classic IMC, due to the continuous absorption technique. One of the main parts of the algorithm is the avoidance of population explosion of particles, using particle merging. We test the new algorithm in both one and two-dimensional cylindrical problems, and show that it yields smooth, teleportation-free results. We finish in demonstrating the power of the new algorithm in a classic radiative hydrodynamic problem, an opaque radiative shock wave. This demonstrates the power of the new algorithm in astrophysical scenarios.
We present the public Monte Carlo photoionization and moving-mesh radiation hydrodynamics code CMacIonize, which can be used to simulate the self-consistent evolution of HII regions surrounding young O and B stars, or other sources of ionizing radiation. The code combines a Monte Carlo photoionization algorithm that uses a complex mix of hydrogen, helium and several coolants in order to self-consistently solve for the ionization and temperature balance at any given type, with a standard first order hydrodynamics scheme. The code can be run as a post-processing tool to get the line emission from an existing simulation snapshot, but can also be used to run full radiation hydrodynamical simulations. Both the radiation transfer and the hydrodynamics are implemented in a general way that is independent of the grid structure that is used to discretize the system, allowing it to be run both as a standard fixed grid code, but also as a moving-mesh code.
A crucial aspect of 3D Monte Carlo radiative transfer is the choice of the spatial grid used to partition the dusty medium. We critically investigate the use of octree grids in Monte Carlo dust radiative transfer, with two different octree construction algorithms (regular and barycentric subdivision) and three different octree traversal algorithms (top-down, neighbour list, and the bookkeeping method). In general, regular octree grids need higher levels of subdivision compared to the barycentric grids for a fixed maximum cell mass threshold criterion. The total number of grid cells, however, depends on the geometry of the model. Surprisingly, regular octree grid simulations turn out to be 10 to 20% more efficient in run time than the barycentric grid simulations, even for those cases where the latter contain fewer grid cells than the former. Furthermore, we find that storing neighbour lists for each cell in an octree, ordered according to decreasing overlap area, is worth the additional memory and implementation overhead: using neighbour lists can cut down the grid traversal by 20% compared to the traditional top-down method. In conclusion, the combination of a regular node subdivision and the neighbour list method results in the most efficient octree structure for Monte Carlo radiative transfer simulations.