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Magneto-acoustic wave propagation and mode conversion in a magnetic solar atmosphere: comparing results from the CO5BOLD code with ray theory

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 Added by Christian Nutto
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present simulations of magneto-acoustic wave propagation in a magnetic, plane-parallel stratified solar model atmosphere, employing the CO5BOLD-code. The tests are carried out for two models of the solar atmosphere, which are similar to the ones used by Cally (2007) and Schunker & Cally (2006). The two models differ only in the orientation of the magnetic field. A qualitative comparison shows good agreement between the numerical results and the results from ray theory. The tests are done in view of the application of the present numerical code for the computation of energy fluxes of propagating acoustic waves into a dynamically evolving magnetic solar atmosphere. For this, we consider waves with frequencies above the acoustic cut-off frequency.

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There has been tremendous progress in the degree of realism of three-dimensional radiation magneto-hydrodynamic simulations of the solar atmosphere in the past decades. Four of the most frequently used numerical codes are Bifrost, CO5BOLD, MANCHA3D, and MURaM. Here we test and compare the wave propagation characteristics in model runs from these four codes by measuring the dispersion relation of acoustic-gravity waves at various heights. We find considerable differences between the various models. The height dependence of wave power, in particular of high-frequency waves, varies by up to two orders of magnitude between the models, and the phase difference spectra of several models show unexpected features, including $pm180^circ$ phase jumps.
In this paper we describe the semi-spectral linear MHD (SLiM) code which we have written to follow the interaction of linear waves through an inhomogeneous three-dimensional solar atmosphere. The background model allows almost arbitrary perturbations of density, temperature, sound speed as well as magnetic and velocity fields. We give details of several of the tests we have used to check the code. The code will be useful in understanding the helioseismic signatures of various solar features, including sunspots.
We gave an extensive study for the quasi-periodic perturbations on the time profiles of the line of sight (LOS) magnetic field in 10x10 sub-areas in a solar plage region (corresponds to a facula on the photosphere). The perturbations are found to be associated with enhancement of He I 10830 A absorption in a moss region, which is connected to loops with million-degree plasma. FFT analysis to the perturbations gives a kind of spectrum similar to that of Doppler velocity: a number of discrete periods around 5 minutes. The amplitudes of the magnetic perturbations are found to be proportional to magnetic field strength over these sub-areas. In addition, magnetic perturbations lag behind a quarter of cycle in phase with respect to the p-mode Doppler velocity. We show that the relationships can be well explained with an MHD solution for the magneto-acoustic oscillations in high-b{eta} plasma. Observational analysis also shows that, for the two regions with the stronger and weaker magnetic field, the perturbations are always anti-phased. All findings show that the magnetic perturbations are actually magneto-acoustic oscillations on the solar surface, the photosphere, powered by p-mode oscillations. The findings may provide a new diagnostic tool for exploring the relationship between magneto-acoustic oscillations and the heating of solar upper atmosphere, as well as their role in helioseismology.
Information on cosmic-ray (CR) composition comes from direct CR measurements while their distribution in the Galaxy is evaluated from observations of their associated diffuse emission in the range from radio to gamma rays. Even though the main interaction processes are identified, more and more precise observations provide an opportunity to study more subtle effects and pose a challenge to the propagation models. GALPROP is a sophisticated CR propagation code that is being developed for about 20 years. It provides a unified framework for interpretations of data from many different types of experiments. It is used for a description of direct CR measurements and associated interstellar emissions (radio to gamma rays), thereby providing important information about CR injection and propagation in the interstellar medium. By accounting for all relevant observables at a time, the GALPROP code brings together theoretical predictions, interpretation of the most recent observations, and helps to reveal the signatures of new phenomena. In this paper we review latest applications of GALPROP and address ongoing and near future improvements. We are discussing effects of different propagation models, and of the transition from cylindrically symmetrical models to a proper 3D description of the components of the interstellar medium and the source distribution.
This publication provides an overview of magnetic fields in the solar atmosphere with the focus lying on the corona. The solar magnetic field couples the solar interior with the visible surface of the Sun and with its atmosphere. It is also responsible for all solar activity in its numerous manifestations. Thus, dynamic phenomena such as coronal mass ejections and flares are magnetically driven. In addition, the field also plays a crucial role in heating the solar chromosphere and corona as well as in accelerating the solar wind. Our main emphasis is the magnetic field in the upper solar atmosphere so that photospheric and chromospheric magnetic structures are mainly discussed where relevant for higher solar layers. Also, the discussion of the solar atmosphere and activity is limited to those topics of direct relevance to the magnetic field. After giving a brief overview about the solar magnetic field in general and its global structure, we discuss in more detail the magnetic field in active regions, the quiet Sun and coronal holes.
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