Behavior of the Quantum Critical Point and the Fermi-liquid Domain in the Heavy Fermion Superconductor CeCoIn5 studied by resistivity

Abstract in English

We report detailed very low temperature resistivity measurements on the heavy fermion compounds Ce_{1-x}La_{x}CoIn5 (x=0 and x=0.01), with current applied in two crystallographic directions [100] (basal plane) and [001] (perpendicular to the basal plane) under magnetic field applied in the [001] or [011] direction. We found a Fermi liquid (rho propto T^{2}) ground state, in all cases, for fields above the superconducting upper critical field. We discuss the possible location of a field induced quantum critical point with respect to Hc2(0), and compare our measurements with the previous reports in order to give a clear picture of the experimental status on this long debated issue.
