Comment on Direct Mapping of the Finite Temperature Phase Diagram of Strongly Correlated Quantum Models by Q. Zhou, Y. Kato, N. Kawashima, and N. Trivedi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 085701 (2009)

Abstract in English

In their Letter, Zhou, Kato, Kawashima, and Trivedi claim that finite-temperature critical points of strongly correlated quantum models emulated by optical lattice experiments can generically be deduced from kinks in the derivative of the density profile of atoms in the trap with respect to the external potential, $kappa = -dn(r)/dV(r)$. In this comment we demonstrate that the authors failed to achieve their goal: to show that under realistic experimental conditions critical densities $n_c(T,U)$ can be extracted from density profiles with controllable accuracy.
