On The Phase Structure and Thermodynamic Geometry of R-Charged Black Holes

Abstract in English

We study the phase structure and equilibrium state space geometry of R-charged black holes in $D = 5$, 4 and 7 and the corresponding rotating $D3$, $M2$ and $M5$ branes. For various charge configurations of the compact black holes in the canonical ensemble we demonstrate new liquid-gas like phase coexistence behaviour culminating in second order critical points. The critical exponents turn out to be the same as that of four dimensional asymptotically AdS black holes in Einstein Maxwell theory. We further establish that the regions of stability for R-charged black holes are, in some cases, more constrained than is currently believed, due to properties of some of the response coefficients. The equilibrium state space scalar curvature is calculated for various charge configurations, both for the case of compact as well as flat horizons and its asymptotic behaviour with temperature is established.
