t-b-tau Yukawa unification for mu < 0 with a sub-TeV sparticle spectrum

Abstract in English

We show compatibility with all known experimental constraints of t-b-tau Yukawa coupling unification in supersymmetric SU(4)_c x SU(2)_L x SU(2)_R which has non-universal gaugino masses and the MSSM parameter mu < 0. In particular, the relic neutralino abundance satisfies the WMAP bounds and Delta (g-2)_mu is in good agreement with the observations. We identify benchmark points for the sparticle spectra which can be tested at the LHC, including those associated with gluino and stau coannihilation channels, mixed bino-Higgsino state and the A-funnel region. We also briefly discuss prospects for testing Yukawa unification with the ongoing and planned direct detection experiments.
