The search for strong topological insulators

Abstract in English

Topological insulators [1-6] is a new quantum phase of matter with exotic properties such as dissipationless transport and protection against Anderson localization [7]. These new states of quantum matter could be one of the missing links for the realization of quantum computing [8,9] and will probably result in new spintronic or magnetoelectric devices. Moreover, topological insulators will be a strong competitor with graphene in electronic application. Because of these potential application the topological insulator research has literally exploded during the last year. Motivated by the fact that up-to-date only few 3D systems are identified to belong to this new quantum phase [10-18] we have used massive computing in combination with data-mining to search for new strong topological insulators. In this letter we present a number of non-layered compounds that show band inversion at the $Gamma$-point, a clear signal of a strong topological insulator.
