Melting of stripe phases and its signature in the single-particle spectral function

Abstract in English

Motivated by the recent experimental data [Phys. Rev. B 79, 100502 (2009)] indicating the existence of a pure stripe charge order over unprecedently wide temperature range in La_{1.8-x}Eu_{0.2}Sr_xCuO_4, we investigate the temperature-induced melting of the metallic stripe phase. In spite of taking into account local dynamic correlations within a real-space dynamical mean-field theory of the Hubbard model, we observe a mean-field like melting of the stripe order irrespective of the choice of the next-nearest neighbor hopping. The temperature dependence of the single-particle spectral function shows the stripe induced formation of a flat band around the antinodal points accompanied by the opening a gap in the nodal direction.
