Simple models for dynamic hysteresis loops calculation: Application to hyperthermia optimization

Abstract in English

To optimize the heating properties of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in magnetic hyperthermia applications, it is necessary to calculate the area of their hysteresis loops in an alternating magnetic field. The three types of theories suitable for describing the hysteresis loops of MNPs are presented and compared to numerical simulations: equilibrium functions, Stoner-Wohlfarth model based theories (SWMBTs) and linear response theory (LRT). Suitable formulas to calculate the hysteresis area of major cycles are deduced from SWMBTs and from numerical simulations; the domain of validity of the analytical formula is explicitly studied. In the case of minor cycles, the hysteresis area calculations are based on the LRT. A perfect agreement between LRT and numerical simulations of hysteresis loops is obtained. The domain of validity of the LRT is explicitly studied. Formulas to calculate the hysteresis area at low field valid for any anisotropy of the MNP are proposed. Numerical simulations of the magnetic field dependence of the area show it follows power-laws with a large range of exponents. Then, analytical expressions derived from LRT and SWMBTs are used for a theoretical study of magnetic hyperthermia. It is shown that LRT is only pertinent for MNPs with strong anisotropy and that SWMBTs should be used for weak anisotropy MNPs. The optimum volume of MNPs for magnetic hyperthermia as function of material and experimental parameters is derived. The maximum specific absorption rate (SAR) achievable is calculated versus the MNP anisotropy. It is shown that an optimum anisotropy increases the SAR and reduces the detrimental effects of size distribution. The optimum anisotropy is simple to calculate and depends on the magnetic field used in the hyperthermia experiments and on the MNP magnetization only. The theoretical optimum parameters are compared to the one of several magnetic materials.
