From quantum criticality to enhanced thermopower in strongly correlated layered cobalt oxide

Abstract in English

We report on susceptibility measurements in the strongly correlated layered cobalt oxide [BiBa0.66K0.36O2]CoO2, which demonstrate the existence of a magnetic quantum critical point (QCP) governing the electronic properties. The investigated low frequency susceptibility displays a scaling behavior with both the temperature T and the magnetic field B ranging from the high-T non-Fermi liquid down to the low-T Fermi liquid. Whereas the inferred scaling form can be discussed within the standard framework of the quantum critical phenomena, the determined critical exponents suggest an unconventional magnetic QCP of a potentially generic type. Accordingly, these quantum critical fluctuations account for the anomalous logarithmic temperature dependence of the thermopower. This result allows us to conjecture that quantum criticality can be an efficient source of enhanced thermopower.
