Correlation Functions and Hidden Conformal Symmetry of Kerr Black Holes

Abstract in English

Extremal scalar three-point correlators in the near-NHEK geometry of Kerr black holes have recently been shown to agree with the result expected from a holographically dual non-chiral two-dimensional conformal field theory. In this paper we extend this calculation to extremal three-point functions of scalars in a general Kerr black hole which need not obey the extremality condition $M=sqrt{J}$. It was recently argued that for low frequency scalars in the Kerr geometry there is a dual conformal field theory description which determines the interactions in this regime. Our results support this conjecture. Furthermore, we formulate a recipe for calculating finite-temperature retarded three-point correlation functions which is applicable to a large class of (even non-extremal) correlators, and discuss the vanishing of the extremal couplings.
