Cubature formulae for orthogonal polynomials in terms of elements of finite order of compact simple Lie groups

Abstract in English

The paper contains a generalization of known properties of Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind in one variable to polynomials of $n$ variables based on the root lattices of compact simple Lie groups $G$ of any type and of rank $n$. The results, inspired by work of H. Li and Y. Xu where they derived cubature formulae from $A$-type lattices, yield Gaussian cubature formulae for each simple Lie group $G$ based on interpolation points that arise from regular elements of finite order in $G$. The polynomials arise from the irreducible characters of $G$ and the interpolation points as common zeros of certain finite subsets of these characters. The consistent use of Lie theoretical methods reveals the central ideas clearly and allows for a simple uniform development of the subject. Furthermore it points to genuine and perhaps far reaching Lie theoretical connections.
