On the superconducting phase fluctuations above Tc in cuprates

Abstract in English

In this brief report an attempt is made for a mise-a-point of the subject of the phase fluctuations of the superconducting order parameter above Tc in cuprates, particularly as they appear in underdoped compounds. Measurements of torque magnetometry, Nernst effect and isothermal diamagnetic magnetization curves published in the last years are taken into consideration. Although by different experimental approaches and in different magnetic field ranges it can be stated that vortex-antivortex excitations and phase fluctuations among islands of local non-zero order parameter lacking of long range coherence do occur in a relevant temperature range above Tc, particularly in underdoped compounds. The role of the diamagnetic magnetization curves on approaching Tc from above in opening the field with clear signature is remarked, while enlightening comparison with other approaches appear possible.
