The far-infrared/radio correlation as probed by Herschel

Abstract in English

We set out to determine the ratio, q(IR), of rest-frame 8-1000um flux, S(IR), to monochromatic radio flux, S(1.4GHz), for galaxies selected at far-IR and radio wavelengths, to search for signs that the ratio evolves with redshift, luminosity or dust temperature, and to identify any far-IR-bright outliers - useful laboratories for exploring why the far-IR/radio correlation is generally so tight when the prevailing theory suggests variations are almost inevitable. We use flux-limited 250-um and 1.4-GHz samples, obtained in GOODS-N using Herschel (HerMES; PEP) and the VLA. We determine bolometric IR output using ten bands spanning 24-1250um, exploiting data from PACS and SPIRE, as well as Spitzer, SCUBA, AzTEC and MAMBO. We also explore the properties of an L(IR)-matched sample, designed to reveal evolution of q(IR) with z, spanning log L(IR) = 11-12 L(sun) and z=0-2, by stacking into the radio and far-IR images. For 1.4-GHz-selected galaxies, we see tentative evidence of a break in the flux ratio, q(IR), at L(1.4GHz) ~ 10^22.7 W/Hz, where AGN are starting to dominate the radio power density, and of weaker correlations with z and T(d). From our 250-um-selected sample we identify a small number of far-IR-bright outliers, and see trends of q(IR) with L(1.4GHz), L(IR), T(d) and z, noting that some of these are inter-related. For our L(IR)-matched sample, there is no evidence that q(IR) changes significantly as we move back into the epoch of galaxy formation: we find q(IR) goes as (1+z)^gamma, where gamma = -0.04 +/- 0.03 at z=0-2; however, discounting the least reliable data at z<0.5 we find gamma = -0.26 +/- 0.07, modest evolution which may be related to the radio background seen by ARCADE2, perhaps driven by <10uJy radio activity amongst ordinary star-forming galaxies at z>1.
