We present a discourse on the stages of discovery that have led to a deeper understanding of the role played by strange quarks in the structure of the nucleon.
An earlier extraction from the HERMES experiment of the polarization-averaged parton distribution of strange quarks in the nucleon has been reevaluated using final data on the multiplicities of charged kaons in semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering obtained with a kinematically more comprehensive method of correcting for experimental effects. General features of the distribution are confirmed, but the rise at low x is less pronounced than previously reported.
Recent advances in lattice field theory, in computer technology and in chiral perturbation theory have enabled lattice QCD to emerge as a powerful quantitative tool in understanding hadron structure. I describe recent progress in the computation of the nucleon form factors and moments of parton distribution functions, before proceeding to describe lattice studies of the Generalized Parton Distributions (GPDs). In particular, I show how lattice studies of GPDs contribute to building a three-dimensional picture of the proton. I conclude by describing the prospects for studying the structure of resonances from lattice QCD.
We study how the electromagnetic structure of the nucleon is influenced by a pion cloud. To this aim we make use of a constituent-quark model with instantaneous confinement and a pion that couples directly to the quarks. To derive the invariant 1- photon-exchange electron-nucleon scattering amplitude we employ a Poincare- invariant coupled-channel formulation which is based on the point-form of relativistic quantum mechanics. We argue that the electromagnetic nucleon current extracted from this amplitude can be reexpressed in terms of pure hadronic degrees of freedom with the quark substructure of the pion and the nucleon being encoded in electromagnetic and strong vertex form factors. These are form factors of bare particles, i.e. eigenstates of the pure confinement problem. First numerical results for (bare) photon-nucleon and pion-nucleon form factors, which are the basic ingredients of the further calculation, are given for a simple 3-quark wave function of the nucleon.
This article reviews our current understanding of how the internal quark structure of a nucleon bound in nuclei differs from that of a free nucleon. We focus on the interpretation of measurements of the EMC effect for valence quarks, a reduction in the Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) cross-section ratios for nuclei relative to deuterium, and its possible connection to nucleon-nucleon Short-Range Correlations (SRC) in nuclei. Our review and new analysis (involving the amplitudes of non-nucleonic configurations in the nucleus) of the available experimental and theoretical evidence shows that there is a phenomenological relation between the EMC effect and the effects of SRC that is not an accident. The influence of strongly correlated neutron-proton pairs involving highly virtual nucleons is responsible for both effects. These correlated pairs are temporary high-density fluctuations in the nucleus in which the internal structure of the nucleons is briefly modified. This conclusion needs to be solidified by the future experiments and improved theoretical analyses that are discussed herein.
Studies of the structure of excited baryons are key to the N* program at Jefferson Lab. Within the first year of data taking with the Hall B CLAS12 detector following the 12 GeV upgrade, a dedicated experiment will aim to extract the N* electrocouplings at high photon virtualities Q2. This experiment will allow exploration of the structure of N* resonances at the highest photon virtualities ever yet achieved, with a kinematic reach up to Q2 = 12 GeV2. This high-Q2 reach will make it possible to probe the excited nucleon structures at distance scales ranging from where effective degrees of freedom, such as constituent quarks, are dominant through the transition to where nearly massless bare-quark degrees of freedom are relevant. In this document, we present a detailed description of the physics that can be addressed through N* structure studies in exclusive meson electroproduction. The discussion includes recent advances in reaction theory for extracting N* electrocouplings from meson electroproduction off protons, along with QCD-based approaches to the theoretical interpretation of these fundamental quantities. This program will afford access to the dynamics of the non-perturbative strong interaction responsible for resonance formation, and will be crucial in understanding the nature of confinement and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in baryons, and how excited nucleons emerge from QCD.