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Black holes in a box: towards the numerical evolution of black holes in AdS

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 Added by Vitor Cardoso
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The evolution of black holes in confining boxes is interesting for a number of reasons, particularly because it mimics the global structure of Anti-de Sitter geometries. These are non-globally hyperbolic space-times and the Cauchy problem may only be well defined if the initial data is supplemented by boundary conditions at the time-like conformal boundary. Here, we explore the active role that boundary conditions play in the evolution of a bulk black hole system, by imprisoning a black hole binary in a box with mirror-like boundary conditions. We are able to follow the post-merger dynamics for up to two reflections off the boundary of the gravitational radiation produced in the merger. We estimate that about 15% of the radiation energy is absorbed by the black hole per interaction, whereas transfer of angular momentum from the radiation to the black hole is only observed in the first interaction. We discuss the possible role of superradiant scattering for this result. Unlike the studies with outgoing boundary conditions, both the Newman-Penrose scalars Psi_4 and Psi_0 are non-trivial in our setup, and we show that the numerical data verifies the expected relations between them.

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We do a systematic study of the phases of gravity coupled to an electromagnetic field and charged scalar in flat space, with box boundary conditions. The scalar-less box has previously been investigated by Braden, Brown, Whiting and York (and others) before AdS/CFT and we elaborate and extend their results in a language more familiar from holography. The phase diagram of the system is analogous to that of AdS black holes, but we emphasize the differences and explain their origin. Once the scalar is added, we show that the system admits both boson stars as well as hairy black holes as solutions, providing yet another way to evade flat space no-hair theorems. Furthermore both these solutions can exist as stable phases in regions of the phase diagram. The final picture of the phases that emerges is strikingly similar to that found recently for holographic superconductors in global AdS, arXiv: 1602.07211. Our construction lays bare certain previously unnoticed subtleties associated to the definition quasi-local charges for gravitating scalar fields in finite regions.
We study finite temperature correlation functions and quasinormal modes in a strongly coupled conformal field theory holographically dual to a small black hole in global Anti-de Sitter spacetime. Upon variation of the black hole radius, our results smoothly interpolate between known limits corresponding to large black holes and thermal AdS space. This implies that the quantities are continuous functions of energy density in the microcanonical ensemble, thus smoothly connecting the deconfined and confined phases that are separated by a first order phase transition in the canonical description.
We investigate whether supertranslation symmetry may appear in a scenario that involves black holes in AdS space. The framework we consider is massive 3D gravity, which admits a rich black hole phase space, including stationary AdS black holes with softly decaying hair. We consider a set of asymptotic conditions that permits such decaying near the boundary, and which, in addition to the local conformal symmetry, is preserved by an extra local current. The corresponding algebra of diffeomorphisms consists of two copies of Virasoro algebra in semi-direct sum with an infinite-dimensional Abelian ideal. We then reorient the analysis to the near horizon region, where infinite-dimensional symmetries also appear. The supertranslation symmetry at the horizon yields an infinite set of non-trivial charges, which we explicitly compute. The zero-mode of these charges correctly reproduces the black hole entropy. In contrast to Einstein gravity, in the higher-derivative theory subleading terms in the near horizon expansion contribute to the near horizon charges. Such terms happen to capture the higher-curvature corrections to the Bekenstein area law.
In this paper we study noncommutative black holes. We use a diffeomorphism between the Schwarzschild black hole and the Kantowski-Sachs cosmological model, which is generalized to noncommutative minisuperspace. Through the use of the Feynman-Hibbs procedure we are able to study the thermodynamics of the black hole, in particular, we calculate the Hawkings temperature and entropy for the noncommutative Schwarzschild black hole.
We provide the metric, the gravitino fields and the gauge fields to all orders in the fermionic zero modes for D=5 and D=4, N=2 gauged supergravity solutions starting from non-extremal AdS--Schwarzschild black holes. We compute the Brown-York stress--energy tensor on the boundary of AdS_5 / AdS_4 spaces and we discuss some implications of the fermionic corrections to perfect fluid interpretation of the boundary theory. The complete non-linear solution, which we denote as fermionic wig, is achieved by acting with supersymmetry transformations upon the supergravity fields and that expansion naturally truncates at some order in the fermionic zero modes.
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