Momentum Driving: which physical processes dominate AGN feedback?

Abstract in English

The deposition of mechanical feedback from a supermassive black hole (SMBH) in an active galactic nucleus (AGN) into the surrounding galaxy occurs via broad-line winds which must carry mass and radial momentum as well as energy. The effect can be summarized by the dimensionless parameter $eta=dot{M_outflow}/dot{M_accretion}= (2 epsilon_w c^2)/v_w^2$ where ($epslion_w equiv dot{E}_w/(dot{M_accretion} c^2)$) is the efficiency by which accreted matter is turned into wind energy in the disc surrounding the central SMBH. The outflowing mass and omentum are proportional to $eta$, and many prior treatments have essentially assumed that $eta=0$. We perform one- and two-dimensional simulations and find that the growth of the central SMBH is very sensitive to the inclusion of the mass and momentum driving but is insensitive to the assumed mechanical efficiency. For example in representative calculations, the omission of momentum and mass feedback leads to an hundred fold increase in the mass of the SMBH to over $10^{10} Msun$. When allowance is made for momentum driving, the final SMBH mass is much lower and the wind efficiencies which lead to the most observationally acceptable results are relatively low with $epsilon_w lesssim 10^{-4}$.
