Time-dependent radio emission from evolving jets

Abstract in English

We investigated the time-dependent radiative and dynamical properties of light supersonic jets launched into an external medium, using hydrodynamic simulations and numerical radiative transfer calculations. These involved various structural models for the ambient media, with density profiles appropriate for galactic and extragalactic systems. The radiative transfer formulation took full account of emission, absorption, re-emission, Faraday rotation and Faraday conversion explicitly. High time-resolution intensity maps were generated, frame-by-frame, to track the spatial hydrodynamical and radiative properties of the evolving jets. Intensity light curves were computed via integrating spatially over the emission maps. We apply the models to jets in active galactic nuclei (AGN). From the jet simulations and the time-dependent emission calculations we derived empirical relations for the emission intensity and size for jets at various evolutionary stages. The temporal properties of jet emission are not solely consequences of intrinsic variations in the hydrodynamics and thermal properties of the jet. They also depend on the interaction between the jet and the ambient medium. The interpretation of radio jet morphology therefore needs to take account of environmental factors. Our calculations have also shown that the environmental interactions can affect specific emitting features, such as internal shocks and hotspots. Quantification of the temporal evolution and spatial distribution of these bright features, together with the derived relations between jet size and emission, would enable us to set constraints on the hydrodynamics of AGN and the structure of the ambient medium.
