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Statistical properties of polarized radio sources at high frequency and their impact on CMB polarization measurements

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 Added by Michael Peel
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We have studied the implications of high sensitivity polarization measurements of objects from the WMAP point source catalogue made using the VLA at 8.4, 22 and 43 GHz. The fractional polarization of sources is almost independent of frequency with a median of ~2 per cent and an average, for detected sources, of ~3.5 per cent. These values are also independent of the total intensity over the narrow range of intensity we sample. Using a contemporaneous sample of 105 sources detected at all 3 VLA frequencies, we have investigated the spectral behaviour as a function of frequency by means of a 2-colour diagram. Most sources have power-law spectra in total intensity, as expected. On the other hand they appear to be almost randomly distributed in the polarized intensity 2-colour diagram. This is compatible with the polarized spectra being much less smooth than those in intensity and we speculate on the physical origins of this. We have performed an analysis of the correlations between the fractional polarization and spectral indices including computation of the principal components. We find that there is little correlation between the fractional polarization and the intensity spectral indices. This is also the case when we include polarization measurements at 1.4 GHz from the NVSS. In addition we compute 45 rotation measures from polarization position angles which are compatible with a lambda^2 law. We use our results to predict the level of point source confusion noise that contaminates CMB polarization measurements aimed at detecting primordial gravitational waves from inflation. We conclude that some level of source subtraction will be necessary to detect r~0.1 below 100 GHz and at all frequencies to detect r~0.01. We present estimates of the level of contamination expected and the number of sources which need to be subtracted as a function of the imposed cut flux density and frequency.

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We present a method to simulate the polarization properties of extragalactic radio sources at microwave frequencies. Polarization measurements of nearly 2x10^6 sources at 1.4 GHz are provided by the NVSS survey. Using this catalogue and the GB6 survey, we study the distribution of the polarization degree of both steep- and flat-spectrum sources. We find that the polarization degree is anti-correlated with the flux density for the former population, while no correlation is detected for the latter. The available high-frequency data are exploited to determine the frequency dependence of the distribution of polarization degrees. Using such information and the evolutionary model by Toffolatti et al. (1998), we estimate the polarization power spectrum of extragalactic radio sources at geq 30 GHz and their contamination of CMB polarization maps. Two distinct methods to compute point-source polarization spectra are presented, extending and improving the one generally used in previous analyses. While extragalactic radio sources can significantly contaminate the CMB E-mode power spectrum only at low frequencies (<30 GHz), they can severely constrain the detectability of the CMB B-mode up to ~100 GHz.
428 - M. Tucci , L. Toffolatti 2012
Recent polarimetric surveys of extragalactic radio sources (ERS) at frequencies u>1GHz are reviewed. By exploiting all the most relevant data on the polarized emission of ERS we study the frequency dependence of polarization properties of ERS between 1.4 and 86GHz. For flat-spectrum sources the median (mean) fractional polarization increases from 1.5% (2-2.5%) at 1.4GHz to 2.5-3% (3-3.5%) at u>10GHz. Steep-spectrum sources are typically more polarized, especially at high frequencies where Faraday depolarization is less relevant. As a general result, we do not find that the fractional polarization of ERS depends on the total flux density at high radio frequencies, i.e >20GHz. Moreover, in this frequency range, current data suggest a moderate increase of the fractional polarization of ERS with frequency. A formalism to estimate ERS number counts in polarization and the contribution of unresolved polarized ERS to angular power spectra at Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) frequencies is also developed and discussed. As a first application, we present original predictions for the Planck satellite mission. Our current results show that only a dozen polarized ERS will be detected by the Planck Low Frequency Instrument (LFI), and a few tens by the High Frequency Instrument (HFI). As for CMB power spectra, ERS should not be a strong contaminant to the CMB E-mode polarization at frequencies u>70GHz. On the contrary, they can become a relevant constraint for the detection of the cosmological B--mode polarization if the tensor-to-scalar ratio is <0.01.
136 - N. Jackson 2009
We present polarization measurements at 8.4, 22, and 43 GHz made with the VLA of a complete sample of extragalactic sources stronger than 1 Jy in the 5-year WMAP catalogue and with declinations north of -34 degrees. The observations were motivated by the need to know the polarization properties of radio sources at frequencies of tens of GHz in order to subtract polarized foregrounds for future sensitive Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments. The total intensity and polarization measurements are generally consistent with comparable VLA calibration measurements for less-variable sources, and within a similar range to WMAP fluxes for unresolved sources. A further paper will present correlations between measured parameters and derive implications for CMB measurements.
We combine the latest datasets obtained with different surveys to study the frequency dependence of polarized emission coming from Extragalactic Radio Sources (ERS). We consider data over a very wide frequency range starting from $1.4$ GHz up to $217$ GHz. This range is particularly interesting since it overlaps the frequencies of the current and forthcoming Cosmic Microwave Background (cmb) experiments. Current data suggest that at high radio frequencies, ($ u geq 20$ GHz) the fractional polarization of ERS does not depend on the total flux density. Conversely, recent datasets indicate a moderate increase of polarization fraction as a function of frequency, physically motivated by the fact that Faraday depolarization is expected to be less relevant at high radio-frequencies. We compute ERS number counts using updated models based on recent data, and we forecast the contribution of unresolved ERS in CMB polarization spectra. Given the expected sensitivities and the observational patch sizes of forthcoming cmb experiments about $sim 200 $ ( up to $sim 2000 $ ) polarized ERS are expected to be detected. Finally, we assess that polarized ERS can contaminate the cosmological B-mode polarization if the tensor-to-scalar ratio is $r< 0.05$ and they have to be robustly controlled to de-lens cmb B-modes at the arcminute angular scales.
We study the propagation of a specific class of instrumental systematics to the reconstruction of the B-mode power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). We focus on non-idealities of the half-wave plate (HWP), a polarization modulator that will be deployed by future CMB experiments, such as the phase-A satellite mission LiteBIRD. More in details, we study the effects of non-ideal HWP properties, such as transmittance, phase shift and cross-polarization. To this purpose, we develop a simple, yet stand-alone end-to-end simulation pipeline adapted to LiteBIRD. Through the latter, we analyze the effects of a possible mismatch between the measured frequency profiles of HWP properties (used in the mapmaking stage of the pipeline) and the actual profiles (used in the sky-scanning step). We simulate single-frequency, CMB-only observations to emphasize the effects of non-idealities on the BB power spectrum. We also consider multi-frequency observations to account for the frequency dependence of HWP properties and the contribution of foreground emission. We quantify the systematics effects in terms of a bias $Delta r$ on the tensor-to-scalar ratio $r$ with respect to the ideal case of no-systematics. We derive the accuracy requirements on the measurements of HWP properties by requiring $Delta r < 10^{-5}$ (1% of the expected LiteBIRD sensitivity on $r$). The analysis is introduced by a detailed presentation of the mathematical formalism employed in this work, including the use of the Jones and Mueller matrix representations.
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