Magnetic excitations of spin and orbital moments in cobalt oxide

Abstract in English

Magnetic and phonon excitations in the antiferromagnet CoO with an unquenched orbital angular momentum are studied by neutron scattering. Results of energy scans in several Brillouin zones in the (HHL) plane for energy transfers up to 16 THz are presented. The measurements were performed in the antiferromagnetic ordered state at 6 K (well below TN~290 K) as well as in the paramagnetic state at 450 K. Several magnetic excitation modes are identified from the dependence of their intensity on wavevector and temperature. Within a Hunds rule model the excitations correspond to fluctuations of coupled orbital and spin degrees of freedom whose bandwidth is controlled by interionic superexchange. The different <111> ordering domains give rise to several magnetic peaks at each wavevector transfer.
