Distance to Multiple Kinematic Components of Quasar Outflows: VLT Observations of QSO 2359-1241 and SDSS J0318-0600

Abstract in English

Using high resolution VLT spectra, we study the multi-component outflow systems of two quasars exhibiting intrinsic Fe II absorption (QSO 2359-1241 and SDSS J0318-0600). From the extracted ionic column densities and using photoionization modeling we determine the gas density, total column density, and ionization parameter for several of the components. For each object the largest column density component is also the densest, and all other components have densities of roughly 1/4 of that of the main component. We demonstrate that all the absorbers lie roughly at the same distance from the source. Further, we calculate the total kinetic luminosities and mass outflow rates of all components and show that these quantities are dominated by the main absorption component.
