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The Calibration of Monochromatic Far-Infrared Star Formation Rate Indicators

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 Added by Daniela Calzetti
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors D. Calzetti

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(Abridged) Spitzer data at 24, 70, and 160 micron and ground-based H-alpha images are analyzed for a sample of 189 nearby star-forming and starburst galaxies to investigate whether reliable star formation rate (SFR) indicators can be defined using the monochromatic infrared dust emission centered at 70 and 160 micron. We compare recently published recipes for SFR measures using combinations of the 24 micron and observed H-alpha luminosities with those using 24 micron luminosity alone. From these comparisons, we derive a reference SFR indicator for use in our analysis. Linear correlations between SFR and the 70 and 160 micron luminosity are found for L(70)>=1.4x10^{42} erg/s and L(160)>=2x10^{42} erg/s, corresponding to SFR>=0.1-0.3 M_sun/yr. Below those two luminosity limits, the relation between SFR and 70 micron (160 micron) luminosity is non-linear and SFR calibrations become problematic. The dispersion of the data around the mean trend increases for increasing wavelength, becoming about 25% (factor ~2) larger at 70 (160) micron than at 24 micron. The increasing dispersion is likely an effect of the increasing contribution to the infrared emission of dust heated by stellar populations not associated with the current star formation. The non-linear relation between SFR and the 70 and 160 micron emission at faint galaxy luminosities suggests that the increasing transparency of the interstellar medium, decreasing effective dust temperature, and decreasing filling factor of star forming regions across the galaxy become important factors for decreasing luminosity. The SFR calibrations are provided for galaxies with oxygen abundance 12+Log(O/H)>8.1. At lower metallicity the infrared luminosity no longer reliably traces the SFR because galaxies are less dusty and more transparent.

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204 - D. Calzetti 2007
With the goal of investigating the degree to which the mid-infrared emission traces the star formation rate (SFR), we analyze Spitzer 8 um and 24 um data of star-forming regions in a sample of 33 nearby galaxies with available HST/NICMOS images in the Paschen-alpha (1.8756 um) emission line. The galaxies are drawn from the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS) sample, and cover a range of morphologies and a factor ~10 in oxygen abundance. Published data on local low-metallicity starburst galaxies and Luminous Infrared Galaxies are also included in the analysis. Both the stellar-continuum-subtracted 8 um emission and the 24 um emission correlate with the extinction-corrected Pa-alpha line emission, although neither relationship is linear. Simple models of stellar populations and dust extinction and emission are able to reproduce the observed non-linear trend of the 24 um emission versus number of ionizing photons, including the modest deficiency of 24 um emission in the low metallicity regions, which results from a combination of decreasing dust opacity and dust temperature at low luminosities. Conversely, the trend of the 8 um emission as a function of the number of ionizing photons is not well reproduced by the same models. The 8 um emission is contributed, in larger measure than the 24 um emission, by dust heated by non-ionizing stellar populations, in agreement with previous findings. Two SFR calibrations, one using the 24 um emission and the other using a combination of the 24 um and H-alpha luminosities (Kennicutt et al. 2007), are presented. No calibration is presented for the 8 um emission, because of its significant dependence on both metallicity and environment. The calibrations presented here should be directly applicable to systems dominated by on-going star formation.
223 - Daniela Calzetti 2012
What else can be said about star formation rate indicators that has not been said already many times over? The `coming of age of large ground-based surveys and the unprecedented sensitivity, angular resolution and/or field-of-view of infrared and ultraviolet space missions have provided extensive, homogeneous data on both nearby and distant galaxies, which have been used to further our understanding of the strengths and pitfalls of many common star formation rate indicators. The synergy between these surveys has also enabled the calibration of indicators for use on scales that are comparable to those of star-forming regions, thus much smaller than an entire galaxy. These are being used to investigate star formation processes at the sub-galactic scale. I review progress in the field over the past decade or so.
307 - Daniela Calzetti 2010
As images and spectra from ISO and Spitzer have provided increasingly higher-fidelity representations of the mid-infrared (MIR) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission from galaxies and galactic and extra-galactic regions, more systematic efforts have been devoted to establishing whether the emission in this wavelength region can be used as a reliable star formation rate indicator. This has also been in response to the extensive surveys of distant galaxies that have accumulated during the cold phase of the Spitzer Space Telescope. Results so far have been somewhat contradictory, reflecting the complex nature of the PAHs and of the mid-infrared-emitting dust in general. The two main problems faced when attempting to define a star formation rate indicator based on the mid-infrared emission from galaxies and star-forming regions are: (1) the strong dependence of the PAH emission on metallicity; (2) the heating of the PAH dust by evolved stellar populations unrelated to the current star formation. I review the status of the field, with a specific focus on these two problems, and will try to quantify the impact of each on calibrations of the mid-infrared emission as a star formation rate indicator.
In this paper, we investigate the relevance of using the $^{12}$CO line emissions as indicators of star formation rates (SFR). For the first time, we present this study for a relatively large number of $^{12}$CO transitions (12) as well as over a large interval in redshift (from z$sim$0 to z$sim$6). For the nearby sources (D$leq$10 Mpc), we have used homogeneous sample of $^{12}$CO data provided by Bayet et al. (2004, 2006), mixing observational and modelled line intensities. For higher-z sources (z $geq$ 1), we have collected $^{12}$CO observations from various papers and have completed the data set of line intensities with model predictions which we also present in this paper. Finally, for increasing the statistics, we have included recent $^{12}$CO(1-0) and $^{12}$CO(3-2) observations of intermediate-z sources. Linear regressions have been calculated for identifying the tightest SFR-$^{12}$CO line luminosity relationships. We show that the emph{total} $^{12}$CO, the $^{12}$CO(5-4), the $^{12}$CO(6-5) and the $^{12}$CO(7-6) luminosities are the best indicators of SFR (as measured by the far-infrared luminosity). Comparisons with theoretical approaches from Krumholz and Thompson (2007) and Narayanan et al. (2008) are also performed in this paper. Although in general agreement, the predictions made by these authors and the observational results we present here show small and interesting discrepancies. In particular, the slope of the linear regressions, for J$_{upper}geq$ 4 $^{12}$CO lines are not similar between theoretical studies and observations. On one hand, a larger high-J $^{12}$CO data set of observations might help to better agree with models, increasing the statistics. On the other hand, theoretical studies extended to high redshift sources might also reduce such discrepancies.
We directly measure redshift evolution in the mean physical properties (far-infrared luminosity, temperature, and mass) of the galaxies that produce the cosmic infrared background (CIB), using measurements from the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Sub-millimeter Telescope (BLAST), and Spitzer which constrain the CIB emission peak. This sample is known to produce a surface brightness in the BLAST bands consistent with the full CIB, and photometric redshifts are identified for all of the objects. We find that most of the 70 micron background is generated at z <~ 1 and the 500 micron background generated at z >~ 1. A significant growth is observed in the mean luminosity from ~ 10^9 - 10^12 L_sun, and in the mean temperature by 10 K, from redshifts 0< z < 3. However, there is only weak positive evolution in the comoving dust mass in these galaxies across the same redshift range. We also measure the evolution of the far-infrared luminosity density, and the star-formation rate history for these objects, finding good agreement with other infrared studies up to z ~1, exceeding the contribution attributed to optically-selected galaxies.
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