Energy Dependence of High Moments for Net-proton Distributions

Abstract in English

High moments of multiplicity distributions of conserved quantities are predicted to be sensitive to critical fluctuations. To understand the effect of the complicated non-critical physics backgrounds on the proposed observable, we have studied various moments of net-proton distributions with AMPT, Hijing, Therminator and UrQMD models, in which no QCD critical point physics is implemented. It is found that the centrality evolution of various moments of net-proton distributions can be uniformly described by a superposition of emission sources. In addition, in the absence of critical phenomena, some moment products of net-proton distribution, related to the baryon number susceptibilities ratio in Lattice QCD calculation, are predicted to be constant as a function of the collision centrality. We argue that a non-monotonic dependence of the moment products as a function collision centrality and the beam energy may be used to locate the QCD critical point.
