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Supernova Remnants and the Interstellar Medium of M83: Imaging & Photometry with WFC3 on HST

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 Added by Michael A. Dopita
 Publication date 2010
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present Wide Field Camera 3 images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope within a single field in the southern grand design star-forming galaxy M83. Based on their size, morphology and photometry in continuum-subtracted H$alpha$, [SII], H$beta$, [OIII] and [OII] filters, we have identified 60 supernova remnant candidates, as well as a handful of young ejecta-dominated candidates. A catalog of these remnants, their sizes and, where possible their H$alpha$ fluxes are given. Radiative ages and pre-shock densities are derived from those SNR which have good photometry. The ages lie in the range $2.62 < log(tau_{rm rad}/{rm yr}) < 5.0$, and the pre-shock densities at the blast wave range over $0.56 < n_0/{rm cm^{-3}} < 1680$. Two populations of SNR have been discovered. These divide into a nuclear and spiral arm group and an inter-arm population. We infer an arm to inter-arm density contrast of 4. The surface flux in diffuse X-rays is correlated with the inferred pre-shock density, indicating that the warm interstellar medium is pressurised by the hot X-ray plasma. We also find that the interstellar medium in the nuclear region of M83 is characterized by a very high porosity and pressure and infer a SNR rate of one per 70-150 yr for the nuclear ($R<300 $pc) region. On the basis of the number of SNR detected and their radiative ages, we infer that the lower mass of Type II SNe in M83 is $M_{rm min} = 16^{+7}_ {-5}$ M$_{odot}$. Finally we give evidence for the likely detection of the remnant of the historical supernova, SN1968L.

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We quantified and calibrated the metallicity and temperature sensitivities of colors derived from nine Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) filters aboard the Hubble Space Telescope using Dartmouth isochrones and Kurucz atmospheres models. The theoretical isochrone colors were tested and calibrated against observations of five well studied galactic clusters: M92, NGC 6752, NGC 104, NGC 5927, and NGC 6791, all of which have spectroscopically determined metallicities spanning -2.30 < [Fe/H] < +0.4. We found empirical corrections to the Dartmouth isochrone grid for each of the following color magnitude diagrams (CMD) (F555W--F814W, F814W), (F336W-F555W, F814W), (F390M-F555W, F814W) and (F390W-F555W, F814W). Using the empirical corrections we tested the accuracy and spread of the photometric metallicities assigned from CMDs and color-color diagrams (which are necessary to break the age-metallicity degeneracy). Testing three color-color diagrams [(F336W-F555W),(F390M-F555W),(F390W-F555W), vs (F555W-F814W)], we found the colors (F390M-F555W) and (F390W-F555W), to be the best suited to measure photometric metallicities. The color (F390W-F555W) requires much less integration time, but generally produces wider metallicity distributions, and, at very-low metallicity, the MDF from (F390W-F555W) is ~60% wider than that from (F390M-F555W). Using the calibrated isochrones we recovered the overall cluster metallicity to within ~0.1 dex in [Fe/H] when using CMDs (i.e. when the distance, reddening and ages are approximately known). The measured metallicity distribution function (MDF) from color-color diagrams show this method measures metallicities of stellar clusters of unknown age and metallicity with an accuracy of ~0.2 - 0.5 dex using F336W--F555W, ~0.15 - 0.25 dex using F390M-F555W, and ~0.2 - 0.4 dex with F390W-F555W, with the larger uncertainty pertaining to the lowest metallicity range.
We review recent progress in elucidating the relationship between high-energy radiation and the interstellar medium (ISM) in young supernova remnants (SNRs) with ages of $sim$2000 yr, focusing in particular on RX J1713.7$-$3946 and RCW 86. Both SNRs emit strong nonthermal X-rays and TeV $gamma$-rays, and they contain clumpy distributions of interstellar gas that includes both atomic and molecular hydrogen. We find that shock-cloud interactions provide a viable explanation for the spatial correlation between the X-rays and ISM. In these interactions, the supernova shocks hit the typically pc-scale dense cores, generating a highly turbulent velocity field that amplifies the magnetic field up to 0.1-1 mG. This amplification leads to enhanced nonthermal synchrotron emission around the clumps, whereas the cosmic-ray electrons do not penetrate the clumps. Accordingly, the nonthermal X-rays exhibit a spatial distribution similar to that of the ISM on the pc scale, while they are anticorrelated at sub-pc scales. These results predict that hadronic $gamma$-rays can be emitted from the dense cores, resulting in a spatial correspondence between the $gamma$-rays and the ISM. The current pc-scale resolution of $gamma$-ray observations is too low to resolve this correspondence. Future $gamma$-ray observations with the Cherenkov Telescope Array will be able to resolve the sub-pc-scale $gamma$-ray distribution and provide clues to the origin of these cosmic $gamma$-rays.
145 - B.W. Holwerda 2016
The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will be an exquisite new near-infrared observatory with imaging and multi-object spectroscopy through ESAs NIRspec instrument with its unique Micro-Shutter Array (MSA), allowing for slits to be positioned on astronomical targets by opening specific 0.002-wide micro shutter doors. To ensure proper target acquisition, the on-sky position of the MSA needs to be verified before spectroscopic observations start. An onboard centroiding program registers the position of pre-identified guide stars in a Target Acquisition (TA) image, a short pre-spectroscopy exposure without dispersion (image mode) through the MSA with all shutters open. The outstanding issue is the availability of Galactic stars in the right luminosity range for TA relative to typical high redshift targets. We explore this here using the stars and $zsim8$ candidate galaxies identified in the source extractor catalogs of Brightest of Reionizing Galaxies survey (BoRG[z8]), a pure-parallel program with Hubble Space Telescope Wide-Field Camera 3. We find that (a) a single WFC3 field contains enough Galactic stars to satisfy the NIRspec astrometry requirement (20 milli-arcseconds), provided its and the NIRspec TAs are $m_{lim}>24.5$ AB in WFC3 F125W, (b) a single WFC3 image can therefore serve as the pre-image if need be, (c) a WFC3 mosaic and accompanying TA image satisfy the astrometry requirement at $sim23$ AB mag in WFC3 F125W, (d) no specific Galactic latitude requires deeper TA imaging due to a lack of Galactic stars, and (e) a depth of $sim24$ AB mag in WFC3 F125W is needed if a guide star in the same MSA quadrant as a target is required. We take the example of a BoRG identified $zsim8$ candidate galaxy and require a Galactic star within 20 of it. In this case, a depth of 25.5 AB in F125W is required (with $sim$97% confidence).
We present a model to self-consistently describe the joint evolution of starburst galaxies and the galactic wind resulting from this evolution. We combine the population synthesis code Starburst99 with a semi-analytical model of galactic outflows and a model for the distribution and abundances of chemical elements inside the outflows. Starting with a galaxy mass, formation redshift, and adopting a particular form for the star formation rate, we describe the evolution of the stellar populations in the galaxy, the evolution of the metallicity and chemical composition of the interstellar medium (ISM), the propagation of the galactic wind, and the metal-enrichment of the intergalactic medium (IGM). In this paper, we study the properties of the model, by varying the mass of the galaxy, the star formation rate, and the efficiency of star formation. Our main results are the following: (1) For a given star formation efficiency f*, a more extended period of active star formation tends to produce a galactic wind that reaches a larger extent. If f* is sufficiently large, the energy deposited by the stars completely expels the ISM. Eventually, the ISM is being replenished by mass loss from supernovae and stellar winds. (2) For galaxies with masses above 10^11 Msun, the material ejected in the IGM always falls back onto the galaxy. Hence lower-mass galaxies are the ones responsible for enriching the IGM. (3) Stellar winds play a minor role in the dynamical evolution of the galactic wind, because their energy input is small compared to supernovae. However, they contribute significantly to the chemical composition of the galactic wind. We conclude that the history of the ISM enrichment plays a determinant role in the chemical composition and extent of the galactic wind, and therefore its ability to enrich the IGM.
267 - A. Zitrin , T. Broadhurst , D. Coe 2011
We examine the inner mass distribution of the relaxed galaxy cluster Abell 383 in deep 16-band HST/ACS+WFC3 imaging taken as part of the CLASH multi-cycle treasury program. Our program is designed to study the dark matter distribution in 25 massive clusters, and balances depth with a wide wavelength coverage to better identify lensed systems and generate precise photometric redshifts. This information together with the predictive strength of our strong-lensing analysis method identifies 13 new multiply-lensed images and candidates, so that a total of 27 multiple-images of 9 systems are used to tightly constrain the inner mass profile, $dlog Sigma/dlog rsimeq -0.6pm 0.1$ (r<160 kpc). We find consistency with the standard distance-redshift relation for the full range spanned by the lensed images, 1.01<z<6.03, with the higher redshift sources deflected through larger angles as expected. The inner mass profile derived here is consistent with the results of our independent weak-lensing analysis of wide-field Subaru images, with good agreement in the region of overlap. The overall mass profile is well fitted by an NFW profile with M_{vir}=(5.37^{+0.70}_{-0.63}pm 0.26) x 10^{14}M_{odot}/h and a relatively high concentration, c_{vir}=8.77^{+0.44}_{-0.42}pm 0.23, which lies above the standard c-M relation similar to other well-studied clusters. The critical radius of Abell 383 is modest by the standards of other lensing clusters, r_{E}simeq16pm2arcsec (for z_s=2.55), so the relatively large number of lensed images uncovered here with precise photometric redshifts validates our imaging strategy for the CLASH survey. In total we aim to provide similarly high-quality lensing data for 25 clusters, 20 of which are X-ray selected relaxed clusters, enabling a precise determination of the representative mass profile free from lensing bias. (ABRIDGED)
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