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Conductance through the disclination dipole defect in metallic carbon nanotubes

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 Added by Dmitry Kolesnikov
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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The electronic transport properties of a metallic carbon nanotube with the five-seven disclination pair characterized by a lattice distortion vector are investigated. The influence of the disclination dipole includes induced curvature and mixing of two sublattices. Both these factors are taken into account via a self-consistent perturbation approach. The conductance and the Fano factor are calculated within the transfer-matrix technique. PACS: 73.63.Fg, 72.80.Rj, 72.10.Fk

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201 - N. Mingo , Jie Han 2001
We calculate the conductance variation of several metallic carbon nanotubes as their end is being dipped into a liquid metal electrode, where experiments have shown an achievable conductance close to 1 quantum of conductance. The calculated conductance for a (40,40) nanotube indicates that the current flows almost entirely through the pi mode, and not the pi* mode. The calculation also predicts that for narrower nanotubes (~1 nm in diameter), in a weak coupling regime, the saturation of both pi and pi* modes should be observable. An experiment is proposed to verify this point.
Using the real-time diagrammatic technique and taking into account both the sequential and cotunneling processes, we analyze the transport properties of single-wall metallic carbon nanotubes coupled to nonmagnetic and ferromagnetic leads in the full range of parameters. In particular, considering the two different shell filling schemes of the nanotubes, we discuss the behavior of the differential conductance, tunnel magnetoresistance and the shot noise. We show that in the Coulomb diamonds corresponding to even occupations, the shot noise becomes super-Poissonian due to bunching of fast tunneling processes resulting from the dynamical channel blockade, whereas in the other diamonds the noise is roughly Poissonian, in agreement with recent experiments. The tunnel magnetoresistance is very sensitive to the number of electrons in the nanotube and exhibits a distinctively different behavior depending on the shell filling sequence of the nanotube.
We have calculated the effects of structural distortions of armchair carbon nanotubes on their electrical transport properties. We found that the bending of the nanotubes decreases their transmission function in certain energy ranges and leads to an increased electrical resistance. Electronic structure calculations show that these energy ranges contain localized states with significant $sigma$-$pi$ hybridization resulting from the increased curvature produced by bending. Our calculations of the contact resistance show that the large contact resistances observed for SWNTs are likely due to the weak coupling of the NT to the metal in side bonded NT-metal configurations.
We show that separating metallic from semiconducting carbon nanotubes by dielectrophoresis is developing towards a bulk separation method, which allows for the first time to produce thin films of only metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes and to measure their optical absorption spectra. The data proofs that the selectivity of the separation scheme is independent from the nanotube diameter.
Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are quasi-one-dimensional systems with poor Coulomb screening and enhanced electron-phonon interaction, and are good candidates for excitons and exciton-phonon couplings in metallic state. Here we report back scattering reflection experiments on individual metallic SWCNTs. An exciton-phonon sideband separated by 0.19 eV from the first optical transition peak is observed in a metallic SWCNT of chiral index (13,10), which provides clear evidences of excitons in metallic SWCNTs. A static dielectric constant of 10 is estimated from the reflectance spectrum.
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