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Correlators of supersymmetric Wilson loops at weak and strong coupling

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 Added by Domenico Seminara
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is English

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We continue our study of the correlators of a recently discovered family of BPS Wilson loops in N=4 supersymmetric U(N) Yang-Mills theory. We perform explicit computations at weak coupling by means of analytical and numerical methods finding agreement with the exact formula derived from localization. In particular we check the localization prediction at order g^6 for different BPS latitude configurations, the N=4 perturbative expansion reproducing the expected results within a relative error of 10^(-4). On the strong coupling side we present a supergravity evaluation of the 1/8 BPS correlator in the limit of large separation, taking into account the exchange of all relevant modes between the string world-sheets. While reproducing the correct geometrical dependence, we find that the associated coefficient does not match the localization result.

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159 - Amit Dekel , Thomas Klose 2013
We study the correlation function of two circular Wilson loops at strong coupling in N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. Using the AdS/CFT correspondence, the problem maps to finding the minimal surface between two circles defined on the boundary of AdS, and the fluctuations around the classical solution in AdS_5 x S^5. At the classical level, we derive the string solution in H_3 x S^1 explicitly, and focus on properties such as stability and phase transition. Furthermore, a computation of the associated algebraic curve is given. At the quantum level, the one-loop partition function is constructed by introducing quadratic bosonic and fermionic fluctuations around the classical solution, embedded in AdS_5 x S^5. We find an analytic, formal expression for the partition function in terms of an infinite product by employing the Gelfand-Yaglom method and supersymmetric regularization. We regulate the expression and evaluate the partition function numerically.
We study the dual gravity description of supersymmetric Wilson loops whose expectation value is unity. They are described by calibrated surfaces that end on the boundary of anti de-Sitter space and are pseudo-holomorphic with respect to an almost complex structure on an eight-dimensional slice of AdS_5 x S^5. The regularized area of these surfaces vanishes, in agreement with field theory non-renormalization theorems for the corresponding operators.
We study the correlator of concentric circular Wilson loops for arbitrary radii, spatial and internal space separations. For real values of the parameters specifying the dual string configuration, a typical Gross-Ooguri phase transition is observed. In addition, we explore some analytic continuation of a parameter $gamma$ that characterizes the internal space separation. This enables a ladder limit in which ladder resummation and string theory computations precisely agree in the strong coupling limit. Finally, we find a critical value of $gamma$ for which the correlator is supersymmetric and ladder diagrams can be exactly resummed for any value of the coupling constant.
By considering a Gaussian truncation of ${cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills, we derive a set of Dyson equations that account for the ladder diagram contribution to connected correlators of circular Wilson loops. We consider different numbers of loops, with different relative orientations. We show that the Dyson equations admit a spectral representation in terms of eigenfunctions of a Schrodinger problem, whose classical limit describes the strong coupling limit of the ladder resummation. We also verify that in supersymmetric cases the exact solution to the Dyson equations reproduces known matrix model results.
We study a general class of supersymmetric Wilson loops operator in N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory, obtained as orbits of conformal transformations. These loops are the natural generalization of the familiar circular Wilson-Maldacena operator and their supersymmetric properties are encoded into a Killing spinor that is not pure. We present a systematic analysis of their scalar couplings and of the preserved supercharges, modulo the action of the global symmetry group, both in the compact and in the non-compact case. The quantum behavior of their expectation value is also addressed, in the simplest case of the Lissajous contours: explicit computations at weak-coupling, through Feynman diagrams expansion, and at strong-coupling, by means of AdS/CFT correspondence, suggest the possibility of an exact evaluation.
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