Three-particle coincidence of the long range pseudorapidity correlation in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions

Abstract in English

We report the first three-particle coincidence measurement in pseudorapidity ($Deltaeta$) between a high transverse momentum ($p_{perp}$) trigger particle and two lower $p_{perp}$ associated particles within azimuth $mid$$Deltaphi$$mid$$<$0.7 in $sqrt{{it s}_{NN}}$ = 200 GeV $d$+Au and Au+Au collisions. Charge ordering properties are exploited to separate the jet-like component and the ridge (long-range $Deltaeta$ correlation). The results indicate that the particles from the ridge are uncorrelated in $Deltaeta$ not only with the trigger particle but also between themselves event-by-event. In addition, the production of the ridge appears to be uncorrelated to the presence of the narrow jet-like component.
