Intermittency route to chaos for the nuclear billiard - a quantitative study

Abstract in English

We extended a previous qualitative study of the intermittent behaviour of a chaotical nucleonic system, by adding a few quantitative analyses: of the configuration and kinetic energy spaces, power spectra, Shannon entropies, and Lyapunov exponents. The system is regarded as a classical nuclear billiard with an oscillating surface of a 2D Woods-Saxon potential well. For the monopole and dipole vibrational modes we bring new arguments in favour of the idea that the degree of chaoticity increases when shifting the oscillation frequency from the adiabatic to the resonance stage of the interaction. The order-chaos-order-chaos sequence is also thoroughly investigated and we find that, for the monopole deformation case, an intermittency pattern is again found. Moreover, coupling between one-nucleon and collective degrees of freedom is proved to be essential in obtaining chaotic states.
