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On bubble clustering and energy spectra in pseudo-turbulence

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 Added by Chao Sun
 Publication date 2009
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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3D-Particle Tracking (3D-PTV) and Phase Sensitive Constant Temperature Anemometry in pseudo-turbulence--i.e., flow solely driven by rising bubbles-- were performed to investigate bubble clustering and to obtain the mean bubble rise velocity, distributions of bubble velocities, and energy spectra at dilute gas concentrations ($alpha leq2.2$%). To characterize the clustering the pair correlation function $G(r,theta)$ was calculated. The deformable bubbles with equivalent bubble diameter $d_b=4-5$ mm were found to cluster within a radial distance of a few bubble radii with a preferred vertical orientation. This vertical alignment was present at both small and large scales. For small distances also some horizontal clustering was found. The large number of data-points and the non intrusiveness of PTV allowed to obtain well-converged Probability Density Functions (PDFs) of the bubble velocity. The PDFs had a non-Gaussian form for all velocity components and intermittency effects could be observed. The energy spectrum of the liquid velocity fluctuations decayed with a power law of -3.2, different from the $approx -5/3$ found for homogeneous isotropic turbulence, but close to the prediction -3 by cite{lance} for pseudo-turbulence.

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132 - Romain Volk 2007
We use an extended laser Doppler technique to track optically the velocity of individual particles in a high Reynolds number turbulent flow. The particle sizes are of the order of the Kolmogorov scale and the time resolution, 30 microseconds, resolves the fastest scales of the fluid motion. Particles are tracked for mean durations of the order of 10 Kolmogorov time scales. The fastest scales of the particle motion are resolved and the particle acceleration is measured. For neutrally buoyant particles, our measurement matches the performance of the silicon strip detector technique introduced at Cornell University cite{Voth,MordantCornell}. This reference dynamics is then compared to that of slightly heavier solid particles (density 1.4) and to air bubbles. We observe that the acceleration variance strongly depends on the particle density: bubbles experience higher accelerations than fluid particles, while heavier particles have lower accelerations. We find that the probability distribution functions of accelerations normalized to the variance are very close although the air bubbles have a much faster dynamics.
92 - X.Q. HE , A.D. Bragg , Y.L. Xiong 2020
We use Direct Numerical Simulations to study the two-dimensional flow of a rotating, half soap bubble that is heated at its equator. The heating produces buoyancy and rotation generates a Coriolis forces in the fluid. However, due to the curved surface of the bubble, the buoyancy and Coriolis forces vary with latitude on the bubble, giving rise to rich flow behavior. We first explore the single-point properties of the flow, including the Reynolds and Nusselt numbers, mean fields, and Reynolds stresses, all as a function of latitude. For a given Rayleigh number, we observe a non-monotonic dependence on the Rossby number Ro, and large scale mean circulations that are strongly influenced by rotation. We then consider quantities that reveal the multiscale nature of the flow, including spectrums and spectral fluxes of kinetic and thermal energy, and enstrophy, and structure functions of velocity and temperature. The fluxes show that just a for nonbuoyant two-dimensional turbulence on a flat surface, there is an upscale flux of kinetic energy at larger scales (fed by buoyancy injection of turbulent kinetic energy at smaller scales), and a downscale flux of enstrophy at smaller scales. The kinetic energy spectrum and velocity structure functions are well described by Bolgiano-Obukhov (BO) scaling at scales where the effects of rotation are weak. The temperature structure functions do not, however, satisfy BO scaling in general, due to strong intermittency in the temperature field.
We investigate experimentally the spatial distributions of heavy and neutrally buoyant particles of finite size in a fully turbulent flow. As their Stokes number (i.e. ratio of the particle viscous relaxation time to a typical flow time scale) is close to 1, one may expect both classes of particles to aggregate in specific flow regions. This is not observed. Using a Voronoi analysis we show that neutrally buoyant particles sample turbulence homogeneously, whereas heavy particles do cluster. One implication for the understanding and modeling of particle laden flows, is that the Stokes number cannot be the sole key parameter as soon as the dynamics of finite-size objects is considered.
From new detailed experimental data, we found that the Radial Distribution Function (RDF) of inertial particles in turbulence grows explosively with $r^{-6}$ scaling as the collision radius is approached. We corrected a theory by Yavuz et al. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 244504 (2018)) based on hydrodynamic interactions between pairs of weakly inertial particles, and demonstrate that even this corrected theory cannot explain the observed RDF behavior. We explore several alternative mechanisms for the discrepancy that were not included in the theory and show that none of them are likely the explanation, suggesting new, yet to be identified physical mechanisms are at play.
We experimentally study the influence of wall roughness on bubble drag reduction in turbulent Taylor-Couette flow, i.e. the flow between two concentric, independently rotating cylinders. We measure the drag in the system for the cases with and without air, and add roughness by installing transverse ribs on either one or both of the cylinders. For the smooth wall case (no ribs) and the case of ribs on the inner cylinder only, we observe strong drag reduction up to $DR=33%$ and $DR=23%$, respectively, for a void fraction of $alpha=6%$. However, with ribs mounted on both cylinders or on the outer cylinder only, the drag reduction is weak, less than $DR=11%$, and thus quite close to the trivial effect of reduced effective density. Flow visualizations show that stable turbulent Taylor vortices --- large scale vortical structures --- are induced in these two cases, i.e. the cases with ribs on the outer cylinder. These strong secondary flows move the bubbles away from the boundary layer, making the bubbles less effective than what had previously been observed for the smooth-wall case. Measurements with counter-rotating smooth cylinders, a regime in which pronounced Taylor rolls are also induced, confirm that it is really the Taylor vortices that weaken the bubble drag reduction mechanism. Our findings show that, although bubble drag reduction can indeed be effective for smooth walls, its effect can be spoiled by e.g. biofouling and omnipresent wall roughness, as the roughness can induce strong secondary flows.
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